Who are the true and faithful servants of ALLAH (swt)? How can we identify them to be the good people? What are their qualities and what nature do they posses? The answers to these question look very obvious and everybody known them. But Quran talks about the true servants of ALLAH in detail on many places and tells us that these people have some special qualities and personality traits that make them good Muslims.
ALLAH swt says in Quran: 25:63
“The (true) servants of the Merciful are those who walk humbly on the earth who, when the ignorant people behave insolently towards them, say, “Peace to you"”
This verse explains two personality characteristics of the good Muslims who are true servants of ALLAH swt that, when they walk on earth they do not take steps with pride because they know their LORD does not like those who are proud. The other quality or the personality trait described in the verse mentioned above that the good people do not argue with those who are ignorant. This is very important point. It is not liked by ALLAH swt to argue or fight with people in the matters they are unaware of.
In another place ALLAH swt says: As-Sajdah: 16
"their backs forsake their beds and they invoke their Lord in fear and in hope."
This verse describes another quality of the true believers that they fear ALLAH swt and in their fear they worship HIM and do not care about their peaceful sleep like others do. We can see the life of Muhammad s.a.w.w, who used to worship ALLAH swt more than any other human being. He was the beloved prophet of ALLAH but even than He used to fear HIM the most.
Similarly, in another place ALLAH swt tells us about the people of paradise who used to worship HIM in the night hours.
Az-Zariyat: 17, 18
"These people (of Paradise) slept but little at night, and prayed for their forgiveness in the hours of the morning."
In another place ALLAH swt speaks about the people who worship HIM in those hours when they could enjoy sleep. These people can never be compared with those mushriks who worship others beside ALLAH and who do not like to give up the luxuries of lives even for those worldly gods.
Az-Zumar: 9
"Can the end of the one, who is obedient to Allah, prostrates himself and stands before Him during the hours of the night, fears the Hereafter and places his hope in the mercy of his Lord, be like that of a mushrik;"
“who pray, "Our Lord, save us from the torment of Hell, for its torment is killing”
The above verse unveils a very beautiful fact about the believers. These people do not worship ALLAH because they want jannah but they worship HIM because they fear the fire of hell that is too bad only the people who invite ALLAH’s wrath will enter that horrible place.
In another place ALLAH swt tells us another personality trait of the true believers:
“who, when they spend, are neither extravagant nor miserly but keep the golden mean between the two (extremes)”
This verse tells us that we should not spend too much neither should we lead our lives miserly. If ALLAH is giving us enough money and resources to lead a good life, we should spend it the same way, but keeping in mind to not cross the limits. We can spend the same money for the betterment of the society which we waste in buying useless stuff that does not mean much to us.
These were few of the good things in the personality of the good people that ALLAH has described in Quran and has given us the chance to be that good.
ALLAH swt says in Quran: 25:63
“The (true) servants of the Merciful are those who walk humbly on the earth who, when the ignorant people behave insolently towards them, say, “Peace to you"”
This verse explains two personality characteristics of the good Muslims who are true servants of ALLAH swt that, when they walk on earth they do not take steps with pride because they know their LORD does not like those who are proud. The other quality or the personality trait described in the verse mentioned above that the good people do not argue with those who are ignorant. This is very important point. It is not liked by ALLAH swt to argue or fight with people in the matters they are unaware of.
In another place ALLAH swt says: As-Sajdah: 16
"their backs forsake their beds and they invoke their Lord in fear and in hope."
This verse describes another quality of the true believers that they fear ALLAH swt and in their fear they worship HIM and do not care about their peaceful sleep like others do. We can see the life of Muhammad s.a.w.w, who used to worship ALLAH swt more than any other human being. He was the beloved prophet of ALLAH but even than He used to fear HIM the most.
Similarly, in another place ALLAH swt tells us about the people of paradise who used to worship HIM in the night hours.
Az-Zariyat: 17, 18
"These people (of Paradise) slept but little at night, and prayed for their forgiveness in the hours of the morning."
In another place ALLAH swt speaks about the people who worship HIM in those hours when they could enjoy sleep. These people can never be compared with those mushriks who worship others beside ALLAH and who do not like to give up the luxuries of lives even for those worldly gods.
Az-Zumar: 9
"Can the end of the one, who is obedient to Allah, prostrates himself and stands before Him during the hours of the night, fears the Hereafter and places his hope in the mercy of his Lord, be like that of a mushrik;"
“who pray, "Our Lord, save us from the torment of Hell, for its torment is killing”
The above verse unveils a very beautiful fact about the believers. These people do not worship ALLAH because they want jannah but they worship HIM because they fear the fire of hell that is too bad only the people who invite ALLAH’s wrath will enter that horrible place.
In another place ALLAH swt tells us another personality trait of the true believers:
“who, when they spend, are neither extravagant nor miserly but keep the golden mean between the two (extremes)”
This verse tells us that we should not spend too much neither should we lead our lives miserly. If ALLAH is giving us enough money and resources to lead a good life, we should spend it the same way, but keeping in mind to not cross the limits. We can spend the same money for the betterment of the society which we waste in buying useless stuff that does not mean much to us.
These were few of the good things in the personality of the good people that ALLAH has described in Quran and has given us the chance to be that good.
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→The True Servants of ALLAH (swt)
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