Divorce in Islam

    We see in TV serials men giving divorce to their wives thrice and story ends. Not only in fiction but in reality too, divorces happen just like that, as a game of seconds. Divorce is the last option given to men by ALLAH swt and the most disliked permissible act. The reason why it is not liked is very simple.

    In the time of jahiliya, there were not rules set for divorce, men used to divorce their women out of anger or any other reason and after some time they used to take them back. Women were not given any rights and they were forced to go back in the marriage with their ax-husbands. This inequality and injustice was addressed by Islam and there were rules set to divorce so that men could not harm their wives unjustly and women could lead a life of grace and dignity which was a dream in the time of jahiliya.

    As said earlier, divorce is not liked and it should be chosen as a last resort when one sees that there is nothing left in the relation to continue.

    ALLAH swt says in Holy Quran: [2:229]
    “Divorce is two times: then one may retain with goodness (and reasonable terms), or let go with goodness (and reasonable terms).”

    But there is no concept of three talaq at one time, like we see in our society today. Islam has a proper set of rules for this. A man if gives talaq to his wife by saying three talaqs at one time, it will be cinsidred as one talaq and he can wait for the three months iddat period and can save his marriage.

    But if he does not see any chances of reconciliation, he can give her the second talaq and wait for three months iddat period, if in that iddat period things go normal, the marriage is safe else after the third talaq, there is no turning back. Talaq happens and the female is free to remarry after completing her iddat period.

    ALLAH swt says in Quran: al-Talaaq 65:1
    “O Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم)! When you divorce women, divorce them at their ‘Iddah (prescribed periods) and count (accurately) their ‘Iddah (periods)”

    There are some set rules, a man cannot give talaq to his wife if she is not clean (from her menstrual periods), any talaq given in this state will be null and void. Similarly, a three talaq at one time is not the sunnah.
    If a women is divorced and she marries to someone else, and the other person also divorces her then she can remarry to her first husband if they are happy and willing to stay with each other.

    Allah swt says in Holy Quran: al-Baqarah 2:230
    “And if he has divorced her (the third time), then she is not lawful unto him thereafter until she has married another husband. Then, if the other husband divorces her, it is no sin on both of them that they reunite, provided they feel that they can keep the limits ordained by Allaah. These are the limits of Allaah, which He makes plain for the people who have knowledge”

    But ALLAH swt says that both men and women in the relation of marriage should over look the bad habits and concentrate on the good habits of the life partner. In this way the relation can be saved, In fact, the love between wife and husband increases because the tolerance level increases. No other religion on earth teaches this kindness.

    Talaq is not only the right of man but also if a female is not comfortable with her husband, if he beats her and does not gives her, her due rights or compels her to do what is haram acts, she can ask him for divorce and man cannot keep her if she does not wants to live with him. But the best thing is to resolve the issue peacefully.

    ALLAH swt says in Holy Quran: 4:128
    “And if a women fears cruelty or desertion from her husband, there is no sin on both of them if they make terms of peace between themselves; and making peace is better.”

    Marriage is not a child’s play. ALLAH swt has given us the knowledge and has guided us as to how to lead our lives. No man can live happy if he does not try to make his better half happy, and no woman can live happy if her husband is not happy with her. To save this relation, both have to take care of each other’s emotions and both have to respect the differences they have.

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Divorce in Islam

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