Qul, jumerat, chaliswan and barsi, these are the concepts related to the death of a person. When a person dies third day is celebrated as qul, the Thursdays till the 40th day of the death comes, are celebrated as jumerat and the 40th day of death is celebrated as chaliswan. After a year passes, another anniversary comes as barsi, and this barsi goes one till the people do not get bored. These non sense acts are related to Islam by innovators. In reality there is nothing like this at all.
The worst thing is, on these occasions people are gathered and everybody reads Quran and transfers sawab to the dead. The Quran recited by the living people is tranfered to the dead, how come? Is it not against Quran?
“This is a people that have passed away; they shall have what they earned and you shall have what you earn, and you shall not be called upon to answer for what they did.” [02:134 & 141]
“Whoever does good, it is for his own soul, and whoever does evil, it is against it; and your Lord is not in the least unjust to the servants.” [41:46]
Now when nobody can give other even a piece of his deeds to the other after this world, how can people recite Quran and then give it to the dead? Leave aside children even those who do not know the dead recite Quran in between gossiping and laughing and making fun of others, they transfer their sawab.
People argue that good deeds od kids become sadqa-e jaria for the parents. It is true, kids can do hajj on behalf of their parents, they can do charity for their parents if pending, and they can pay the pending debts of their parents. But they cannot offer the namaz on behalf of their parents, nor can they recite Quran on behalf of their parents because shariah has not allowed this since it has no base in shariat. These innovations were introduced by shia people mainly. And now people have made them an occasion of gathering and show off.
There is no ground for such show of and innovations in Islam. ALLAH swt will severely punish those who introduced anything in Islam out of their own desires. What do we see today in these celebrations? Laughers, chatters, show off people. Even proposals are made and accepted on such “holy” occasions. People decide on their issue on these occasions, backbiting is done, money is spent uselessly and in the evening the main event ends as if some marriage ceremony has just ended.
Where Islam does tells us to do all this. Instead of being contented with our easiest din, we have made is difficult for us. Islam does not tell us to give meals to the people who have come to the deceased family. But if the family members do not give meals, they are looked down upon and called fakir and gharib and misers.
Special duas are recited on meals and sent to the poor houses so that they eat and sawab can reach to the deceased. Where did Muhammad s.a.w.w do all this in His lifetime or which verse of Quran tells us to blow on meals and transfer sawab.
If it was so easy to get sawab then people would have liked to die instead of living because the trucks and trucks of sawab that is supposedly sent to the dead never reaches him. It is only nonsense on part of people they do not know that only good deeds done by a person help him after this earth. If the dead has left good children, they will become sadqa jariah for parents. If the dead did some good work in this life as sadqa jaria, he will receive its sawab till the last day. But nothing other than the sharia provisions provides sawab to the dead.
The worst thing is, on these occasions people are gathered and everybody reads Quran and transfers sawab to the dead. The Quran recited by the living people is tranfered to the dead, how come? Is it not against Quran?
“This is a people that have passed away; they shall have what they earned and you shall have what you earn, and you shall not be called upon to answer for what they did.” [02:134 & 141]
“Whoever does good, it is for his own soul, and whoever does evil, it is against it; and your Lord is not in the least unjust to the servants.” [41:46]
Now when nobody can give other even a piece of his deeds to the other after this world, how can people recite Quran and then give it to the dead? Leave aside children even those who do not know the dead recite Quran in between gossiping and laughing and making fun of others, they transfer their sawab.
People argue that good deeds od kids become sadqa-e jaria for the parents. It is true, kids can do hajj on behalf of their parents, they can do charity for their parents if pending, and they can pay the pending debts of their parents. But they cannot offer the namaz on behalf of their parents, nor can they recite Quran on behalf of their parents because shariah has not allowed this since it has no base in shariat. These innovations were introduced by shia people mainly. And now people have made them an occasion of gathering and show off.
There is no ground for such show of and innovations in Islam. ALLAH swt will severely punish those who introduced anything in Islam out of their own desires. What do we see today in these celebrations? Laughers, chatters, show off people. Even proposals are made and accepted on such “holy” occasions. People decide on their issue on these occasions, backbiting is done, money is spent uselessly and in the evening the main event ends as if some marriage ceremony has just ended.
Where Islam does tells us to do all this. Instead of being contented with our easiest din, we have made is difficult for us. Islam does not tell us to give meals to the people who have come to the deceased family. But if the family members do not give meals, they are looked down upon and called fakir and gharib and misers.
Special duas are recited on meals and sent to the poor houses so that they eat and sawab can reach to the deceased. Where did Muhammad s.a.w.w do all this in His lifetime or which verse of Quran tells us to blow on meals and transfer sawab.
If it was so easy to get sawab then people would have liked to die instead of living because the trucks and trucks of sawab that is supposedly sent to the dead never reaches him. It is only nonsense on part of people they do not know that only good deeds done by a person help him after this earth. If the dead has left good children, they will become sadqa jariah for parents. If the dead did some good work in this life as sadqa jaria, he will receive its sawab till the last day. But nothing other than the sharia provisions provides sawab to the dead.
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→Reality of Quran khawani and Esale Sawab
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