There are more than 50 Muslims Countries In the World in which over 1.5 Billion Muslims are living. Muslims Living in all these Countries Loves Islam very much. Muslims Uses different ways to get knowledge about their religion Islam. A Large Population of Muslims World also uses Internet for searching about Islam as it is one of the easiest and cheapest way to get Knowledge on any topic.
But do you know In which Muslim Countries words like Islam, Quran, Muhammad Pbuh are searched most in the whole World? People of Which Muslim Country Loves to Find Information on Islam mostly on Internet?
That Country is one of the largest Muslim Country Pakistan. Pakistan is on first spot for searching the words Quran, Muslims, Allah, Madina, Makkah, and Muhammad SAW and many other Islamic words. For searching the word Islam Pakistan comes on third place. For Hijab Pakistan comes on 4th place. This shows that People of Pakistan have great Love For Islam and they Loves to search about Islam through Internet. Its My Dua that May Allah Guide us all towards the Knowledge of Islam.