In Defense of Prophet of Allah Swt


    Don't Spread this Promo which has a Disrespectful Name

    Ya Ikhwan!Defending the Prophet,in such a wrong way of saying (See the heading of the promo)

    Lets learn some Respect of the Messenger of Allah .

    Indeed everyone here is Responsible for spreading such things with disrespect in name of promo .

    Kafirs have done enough to spread disrespect of the Messenger of Allah .Least expected is from Muslims to repeat the disrespectful terms.

    Subhan Allah!We Muslims are making follies into follies.Somone made a site with this disrespectful name too.

    Correct Approach is to do the thing right by doing what has to be done .

    IttaqUllah.Beware lest you be punished.

    "O you who believe! Violate not the sanctity of the Signs of Allah..."

    And the biggest Sign from our Rabb---Allah is His beloved slave and Messenger"Muhammed'(sal Allah hu alayhe wasallam)

    I feel frustrated that Muslims have not taken a real step to stop this gravest sins being done.Even though the Messenger of Allah,had said “what is retained of the hadeeth in my mind)

    Whoever can stop transgression of Allah ,by his hands must stop it and whoecver can do it with tonngue must do it and if you cannot do so then atleast find it bad in heart and that is lowest of Imaan .

    AlSo,we Muslims are sulking and not doing what we should have started back 25 days.

    Today the kuffar have already been doing what they could.
    Subhan Allah ,Loving the Messenger and Respecting Him,is our priority and defending his honour is our obligation .This behaviour of peacefulness when your Religion is mocked at at is the worst sign of Imaan .So what if kuffar wants to irritate us ?Let them do and then see what we do to them!

    I say this is the criteria of a True Imaan:

    “Verily! Those who lower their voices in the presence of Messenger of Allah, they are the ones whose hearts Allah has tested for piety. For them is forgiveness and a great reward”

    Surah Hujraat:Ayah 3

    Such was the criteria that Allah made of imaan,that much Respect of His Messenger(sal Allah hu alayhe wasallam).

    There was a Sahabi who had a loud voice ,he was scared that his aamal were destroyed when the Ayah 2 was revealed.

    “O you who believe! Raise not your voices above the voice of the Prophet nor speak aloud to him in talk as you speak aloud to one another, lest your deeds may be rendered fruitless while you perceive not.”

    This is an example of how much Respect we Muslims have to show to him.
    (P/S:I am on the belief of Hz Ibraheem ,the Haneefah .Always fear shirk ,so this was an example only .I believe our Messenger has left this world and is no more alive .Against the brelvi beliefs! )

    This peaceful ,tolerant behaviour is not true Imaan .

    People of strong Imaan! Go out of your houses,take swords and pierce their hearts with you sword and slice them into two

    Remember;Jannah is under the Shades of Swords.
    (Hadeeth of beloved Messenger-sal Allah hu alayhe wasallam)

    Because thay have done this disrespect to the Messenger on Truth,The Messenger of Allah ,The creation of Allah,most loved by Him.

    Remember the ways of Sahabas ,they were the people who got angry with those who pointed at their beloved Messenger .And used to kill those who disrespects Allah and His Messenger and killed them really well because that was what they deserved for hatred against ALLAH and His Messenger(sal Allah hu alayhe wasallam)

    So,after such heinous kuffar’s activity,are we still going to sit in our homes ,knowing the status of The Messenger of Allah?

    Will we ?I question ,will we still in our homes?

    Knowing the Love of Allah ,for His beloved slave and Messenger?

    Knowing the honour of Allah ,for His slave and Messenger ?

    Knowing the position of Maqame Mahmud that will be granted to Messenger Muhammed(sal Allah hu alayhe wasallam)

    No,whoever will sit in his home after this day,is not from us .Its the exact call of Jihad that Allah has called us towards:

    “Say: If your fathers, your sons, your brothers, your wives, your kindred, the wealth that you have gained, the commerce in which you fear a decline, and the dwellings in which you delight ... are dearer to you than Allah and His Messenger, and striving hard and fighting in His Cause , then wait until Allah brings about His Decision (torment). And Allah guides not the people who are Al-Fasiqun (the rebellious, disobedient to Allah)”

    Surah Tawba:Ayah 24

    So fear none but Allah,your Lord and show Love to Allah and His Messenger because you are a Muslim .Otherwise you are who?Allah will not remember you on Yawmal Qiyamah.

    “Will you not fight a people who have violated their oaths and intended to expel the Messenger, while they did attack you first? Do you fear them? Allah has more right that you should fear Him, if you are believers”

    Surah Tawba:Ayah 13

    They have intended insult to our Messenger and its become an obligation on all Muslims to defend him as per saying of Allah in Ayah 13 of Surah Tawba.

    “Will you not fight a people who have violated their oaths and intended to expel the Messenger, while they did attack you first? Do you fear them? Allah has more right that you should fear Him, if you are believers”

    Surah Tawba:Ayah 13

    The Jihad has been declared,
    The swords have come out .
    And will not go back in till the Word of Allah is made Superior.

    This is the order of Allah All Mighty to wage war against such people who intend harm to Prophet Muhammed(sal Allah hu alayhe wasallam)

    And to fight till there remains no fitna ,no clatter of kufr and kuffar and Worship is for Allah Alone.,is the responsibility of all momineen.

    Saying of Allah Most High:


    Surah Baqrah:Ayah 193

    The crusaders have attacked us and its time to repel their attacks as this is the time of test of who is true in Imaan and who is just flaunting of his Imaan?

    “ Do you think that you shall be left alone while Allah has not yet tested those among you who have striven hard and fought’

    Surah Tawba:Ayah 16

    Did you really think that we could sit here and let feel that we have done our obligation of Jihad against those who intended harm to Noble Messenger of Allah and attacked us?

    No,Allah will test us till the Truth of the truthfuls come out on the surface and the lies of the munafiqs come on the surface .

    “Fight against them so that Allah will punish them by your hands and disgrace them and give you victory over them and heal the hearts of a believing people,
    And remove the anger of their (believers') hearts. Allah accepts the repentance of whom He wills. Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise”

    Surah Tawba;Ayah 14 and 15

    I invite all brothers and sisters to come towards Jihad NOW and take a stand like Sahaabas and Sahaabiat .
    Thus if you are a true Muslim then you have to participate in Jihad online and offline at all levels.


    *Hayye Alal Jihad*

    Come towards the True Islam and leave the company of those who re-defines Islam* for you .

    Basically,we Muslims are many times thinking how we can look peaceful and tolerant and good infront of kuffar ,and that is done by many Muslims these days .And we Muslims forget the True course that has to be taken by us .

    Yes,our aim should only be Pleasure of Allah and Pleasure of Allah ,lies in following those on whom the pleasure of Allah ,descended.And they were Sahaaabs (may Allah be pleased with them) ,who killed all those whoever disrespected Messenger of Allah(Sal Allah hu alayhe wasallam) .This is in our history and this is the opinon of Ibn taymiyah and Imam Malik and all the major scholars.

    The kuffar saying this is to promote freedom of speech ….whereas we have to remember that we cannot give them freedom of speech in such a grave matter.

    We Muslims are those who have Respect for the Signs of Allah ,if we don’t have it then we are not being true to our identity.

    So,sometimes they disrespect Allah –Most High,other times ,they disrespect Rasool Allah (sal Allah hu alayhe wasallam),they ban Hijab and Burqa,or did worst acts to the Qur’an Al Kareem and to the Name of Allah .So what kind of freedom do they want from us .What kind of patience do they require from us ,when we are those who know the Truth ?

    We are the bearers of Truth and Truth bearers never tolerate such attacks on their Islam*

    They,kuffar are themselves such a big nuisance that they should all be killed .Indeed our reaction is 100% right because the truth is many of humanity is Fassiqoon .

    This is what our Allah has told us in Qur’an and that a huge amount of mankind and jinn going to be fuel of fire.
    So ,the truth again is that many are bad and worst to the core ,more than we can imagine .

    Remember he is the Messenger of Allah ,the best creation of Allah ,the praised one and the most honoured one.

    Kuffar can say any lies on us Muslims but resorting to such acts to justify their puking behaviour is height of illness of their hearts and minds

    They say about us Muslims as radicals who want to kill everyone and we PROUDLY Announce that we are Radical and real Lovers of Islam ,real followers of the Path of Sahaabas and our other pious predecessors.

    And we kill all those who slauguhter our Muslims ,we shoot all those who barge on our territories and we terrorise all those who defy Islam* .We did not gain this big bounty of terrorizing kuffar without any reason but for True belief in Allah .Our Rabb-Al Haqq ,is terrorizing kuffar due to their disbelief.

    Allah tells us in Surah Anfal:Ayah12

    (Translation of Ayah)
    “Remember) when your Lord inspired the angels, "Verily, I am with you, so keep firm those who have believed. (Allah) will cast Terror into the hearts of those who have disbelieved, so strike them over the necks, and smite over all their fingers and toes."

    Such pride of Imaan can only be achieved by following Sahabas ,and by reading their lifestories and asking Allah ,to make us like the Sahaabas of Rasool Allah
    (sal Allah hu alayhe wasallam) .
    It’s a matter of big faults in our Imaan ,if we let them do this freedom of speech show and its somethingthat we should be mindful of .

    Because,each and every human being is accountable to Allah Most High and indeed those who plot against the Messenger ,are never going to get success.And those who let them get away with this ugly acts have put feet in hot waters already before hot water gets over our hearts ,we need to take an action .

    Beware ,if we Muslims don’t stop this ,then we all are putting up ourselves for the penalty by our Rabb—Subhanahu Wa Ta’aala,about which He has said:

    penalty by our Rabb—Subhanahu Wa Ta’aala,about which He has said:

    (Translation of Ayah)

    “And fear the Fitnah (affliction and trial, etc.) which affects not in particular (only) those of you who do wrong (but it may afflict all the good and the bad people), and know that ALLAH is Severe in punishment”

    May Allah hasten His azaab on kuffar and may He blesses us with glad tidings soon


    Don’t just secure the image of Muslims which is again being apologetic but its time to defend the Messenger(sal Allah hu alayhe wasallam) who was the mercy for the worlds.

    And W'Allah,time is near of Qiyamah,we all must be preparing for ahead

    (See Surah Qamar)

    No one should listen to any thing remotely disrespecting to the Messenger of Allah
    (sal Allah hu alayhe wasallam) because Muslims are not suppose to remain emotionless and in a state of forgiveness for those who disrespect our Messenger.Only he himself could forgive them because he was the mercy for the worlds but if Muslims are forgiving criminals of Islam*,then they are in state of no Imaan and this peaceful,tolerant attitude is very dangerous .

    Its a test of Ummah ,a call for Jihad and reality is they won't be doing it more

    Actually,they won't be doing it more .If we all show reaction against them in way of Jihad and thats what Life is all about:

    Defending ISLAM*The passion of the Righteous

    Remember these people ,kafir crusaders attacked us first and we have been fighting them since such a long time.Now are the Times near Khilafah and when that happens ,the kuffar's hearts will be pierced with the sword of Imam Mahdi ,Insha' Allah

    Soon after that will come Hz Isa (Alaih Salam) and Christianityty will not remain on surface of earth .

    “We only count out to them a (limited) number (of the days of the life of this world and delay their term so that they may increase in evil and sins).”

    Surah Maryam :Ayah 84

    So,their days are numbered and and they will REGRET thier action and not be doing it EVER in near future if the whole Ummah stood up to defend the honour of the beloved Messenger of Allah(sal Allah hu alayhe wasallam) .

    Don't forget that our Allah ,will be Displeased with us if we don't take steps and Beware, of azaab of Allah for this attitude when we know whats coming ahead in future ,of the Khilafah Times.

    Muslims are already receiving Victories by the Grace of Allah and time is very near for the Final one .

    How shameful,i say how shameful ,how regretful for the person who says to let the kuffar do thier activity and they will stop when NO reaction .

    No,Kuffar will continue till kufr is not wiped away from this Land of Allah ,its thier nature .So,wait till Khilafah Times which is near like Suhoor time tospread of day light
    So ,leave how kuffar be irritated by not giving them any reaction but think about how are you going to face Allah ,for not doing anything to defend His Messenger?

    Its Uhud ...And i am standing here with few others to defend the beloved Messenger of Allah (sal Allah hu alayhe wasallam)

    Where is Sa'aad Bin Abi Waqas and Abu Ubeida of this Ghuraba Sect?

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In Defense of Prophet of Allah Swt

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