Views of Islamic Scholar Ibtisam Elahi Zaheer About Dr Tahir ul Qadri

    Famous Scholar Ibtisam Elahi Zaheer Opinion about Dr Tahir ul Qadri.

    Many people who are jealous of my preaching of Quran and sunnah accuse me that I have appreciated Tahir ul Qadree.I want to make it clear that I endorsed his opinion when he supported the opinion of Imam ibne tamiyyah rahimahullah contrary to theopinion of Hanafi scholars on issue of Blasphemy.Hanafi scholars keep the view that penalty of blasphemy is not death in Quran and Sunnah.Where as Ibn Taimiyyah and many other great scholars had the view that penalty of blasphemy is death .When Dr Tahir ul qadree supported his views I appreciated his opinion on this particular issue .Moreover he quoted Ibne Qayyim and Ibne kaseer on many issues related to fiqah so I said it was a good step taken by him to come out of fold of traditional taqleed.

    I differ with him on many principle issues like:

    1 He believes in tawassul from graves and deceased people.I donot believe in tawassul from graves and deceased and I donot even believe in building of tombs and shrines.

    2 He believes in Celebrating birthday of Rasool sala laho aliehi wasalam I have quoted it clearly that prophet used to fast on Mondays so it cannot be eid day.Here is my brief note elaborating this issue:

    The different attributes defined and  assigned by Rasool salal laho aliehi wasalam to different time slots are indeed source of inspiration for us. We do Hajj on 9th Zil hajj because it was declared Hajj day by him . We search Lailatul Qadar in odd nights of  last decade of Ramadan because of his guidance .Similarly we fast on 9th of zilhajj and 10th of Moharram because he did that. We celebrate Eid ul Fitar on 1st of Shawwal and  Eid ul Azha on 10th of Zilhajj because of his commands. Did he declare his birth day as eid?the answer is that Nabi salal laho aliehi wasalam used to fast on Monday and did that because he was born on that day .It was narrated from Abu Qataadah al-Ansaari radi Allahu anhu  that the Messenger of Allaah salal laho aliehi wasalam was asked about fasting on Mondays. He said: “On that day I was born, and on it the Revelation came to me.” (Narrated by Muslim, 1162. ). So birthday of prophet salal laho aliehi wasalam is the day of fasting and Ummah should fast on this day. As there is difference of opinion on the date of his birth some say it is 9th and some say its is 12th. So to be more precise and to get closer to sunnah we should fast on Mondays and celebrate eids on 1st of Shawwal and 10th of  Zilhajj.

    3 He believes that Janab eAbu talib was a momin and I quote hadith of Bukharee and Muslim that he was not among believers.

    4 He says non Muslims can enter Jannah and I have written a full article to refute his point of view.

    5 He says musical instruments can be used in Naats and I totally refute use of musical instruments.

    6 He issued a fatwah that Muslims can take interest in non Muslim lands and I have condemned it I hold the opinion that Shariah is homogeneous and it cannot be changed with the change of space and land.

    7 He is a staunch Hanafi and I only believe in Quran and authentic hadith as a source of law.

    8 He is in favour of military operation in swat and wazirastan and I totally disagree with this operation.

    My point of views are hundred percent different from him on majority of issues .So how can I be accused to have supported him if my opinion coincides with him on issues of blasphemy and taking Imams Ibne Tamiyyah ,Ibne kaseer and ibne Qayyim as great Imams of ahlus sunnah.May Allah save us all from wrong accusations ameen.

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Views of Islamic Scholar Ibtisam Elahi Zaheer About Dr Tahir ul Qadri

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