Sings Of True Momin

    To recite shadah every day and then to commit as much sins as one can do does not make one a true muslim or momin. To be a muslim, one has to read kalmia but to be a momin one has to follow the religion of Islam completely not only in words but also in spirits.

    If one thinks that by simply reciting kalmia, one will enter jannah, than this is wrong belief, Islam is not like Christianity where you commit a sin and later on go and “confess” to a man like you and your sins are erased just because the “son of god” has already paid for the sins of humanity. Islam believes in individuality. What you will earn in the hereafter will be based solely upon what you have done in this world. Therefore, to have a bright face in the hereafter we have to be momins and not mere muslims in this world.

    ALLAH swt has said in Quran: 3:19
    "Truly, the Religion in the sight of Allah is Islam."

    To start with, if you want to take the right path towards salvation you have to follow islam not in words but also in spirit. To have the Islamic faith is the first step to be a momin.

    in another place, ALLAH swt says: 3:85

    "And whosoever desires a religion -other that Islam, never will it be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be in the ranks of those who are lost."

    In the verse mentioned above, Allah swt says that there is no religion other then Islam that can lead to the right path, so there is no way that the people who are not following islam will ever enter in paradise. Therefore to take the first step to be momin, Islam is the first thing to adhere to. Why is only Islam the way of life, this question has been answered beautifully in the following verse?
    "And to thee We have sent the Book in truth, (This Qur'an) confirming the scripture that came before it, and a witness over it..."
    And it’s the fact, Quran has confirmed all the previous scriptures while no previous scripture has left any clue in it about Quran or Islam or about the prophecies of final Messenger ( s.a.w.w). And if any previous scripture has left any of its verses un-tempered their persists have either changed it or have changed its meaning.
    A momin needs to observe all the rules placed in the system fully. The system of islam is based on five pillars and from these five pillars starts the actual islam.
    Muhammad, the Prophet of Allah (Peace and blessing of Allah be upon him), said:
    "Islam is based on five pillars: testifying that there is no god worthy to be worshipped but Allah, that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah and His servant; performing the prayer; paying the Zakat (obligatory charity); fasting the month of Ramadan; and performing Hajj."
    When a building’s foundations are strong, the whole building will be strong and stand firm, but if the foundations are weak, building will be a weak structure. Similarly, If a person’s namaz, his roza, his zakat and kalma and his hajj are based on sincere intentions to please ALLAH swt then he will be a momin, but if his actions are to show off or to complete a task by any means then his other voluntary actions will also for either to show off or just to do something good in spare time which has no value in islam.
    Allah has stated in the Holy Qur'an: 2:256
    "... whoever disbelieves in false deities and believes in Allah, hath grasped the most trustworthy handhold, that will never break..."
    This beautiful verse says that it only takes a true belief in ALLAH swt, and a person will step up the stairs  of Iman easily with the help of ALLAH swt. A person with a strong doubtless Iman is momin.

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Sings Of True Momin

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