Modesty in Dressing

    Dressing is one of the many visible things from which the personality of the person reveals. It is said that the way a person dresses up, he unconsciously and indirectly, unknowingly shows his personality and his character. So we should be very careful while choosing the right dress for us. there are hundreds of forum that talk especially and only about how to dress up when you are going on special occasions to revel the best of your personality.

    And everybody from every corner of the world unanimously agrees that a simple dress is the best dress. Islam promotes simple and modest dressing. The more the dress is modest the more positive it shows the personality. But in today’s age, all we are concerned about is to wear the most costly dress that we can buy so that we could look good. This is not the criteria in islam. Islam promotes the modesty not only in the behavior but also in out looks. Today we see girls wearing dresses like boys and boys dressed up like girls. This is not only nonsense but also the most disliked thing in islam.

    Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.w said:

    Bukhari :: Book 7 :: Volume 72 :: Hadith 774

    Narrated Ibn 'Abbas:  The Prophet cursed effeminate men (those men who are in the similitude (assume the manners of women) and those women who assume the manners of men, and he said, "Turn them out of your houses .

    Today, we also do not like when a boy dresses up like a girl and wears the colors or the styles that are suitable only for girls and vice versa. This leaves a very bad impression on the people who see us.

    This is one case there are many dresses which reveal the body even though they are full. These dresses are so thin in texture that they cannot cover the body properly. And women are seen mostly, wearing that kind of dresses. It’s a great sin and according to a hadith, the women who dress up like this will not be able to even smell the fragrance of jannah.

    (Sahih Muslim, no. 2128)
    Sayyiduna Abu Hurayra (may Allah be pleased with him) narrates that the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) said: “There are two types of people who will enter the Hell-fire, whom I have not (as yet) seen: People having whips similar to ox-tails with which they will beat people, and (secondly) women who will be dressed yet appear to be naked. They will seduce men and be inclined towards them. Their heads will be like the swaying humps of bacterial camels. They will neither enter paradise, nor smell its fragrance, even though its fragrance can be smelt from such and such distance.”

    What is the need to wear a dress that cannot cover the body properly? We dress up so that we can avoid any evil intensions of bad people. but to wear dresses that are tight or see throw, the good people also are caught by the wring desires. To let the people do sin itself is the biggest sin, and to invite people deliberately to hurt you (female) and do sin is even the bigger sin.

    Dresses should not be tight for both men and women, because the main purpose of dressing up is to cover the body, to wear tight dresses will kill this purpose.

    ALLAH swt says in Quran: Sura Al-Ahzab 33:59

    "O’ Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their veils over their bodies. That is most convenient that they should be recognised and not be molested"

    The verse above gives us such a good message that just by wearing hijab or covering bodies, women can avoid chances of disgrace. This is actually a barrier which they put around them to stop the evil of the eye of men just by observing modest dressing.

    For men to guard themselves and avoid nay unpleasant situation ALLAh swt says in Quran:

    Qur'an [24:30]

    “Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty: that will make for greater purity for them: And Allah is well acquainted with all that they do.” —

    Only by wearing modest dresses and by lowering gaze we cannot only avoid the ugly scenes but also by this little care, the society can be purified or at least the evil can be thrown out of the place where the believing people live.

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Modesty in Dressing

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