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Religious and Historical Significance of Muharram

    Religious and Historical significance of Muharram ul Haram.

     Allah swt is creator of heaven and earth and from the day he has created the earth and heaven he assigned 12 months in a year and has chosen 4 months in a year as sacred one.

     Allah swt says:

    Verily, the number of months with Allâh is twelve months (in a year), so was it ordained by Allâh on the Day when He created the heavens and the earth; of them four are Sacred, (i.e. the 1st, the 7th, the 11th and the 12th months of the Islâmic calendar). That is the right religion, so wrong not yourselves therein, and fight against the Mushrikûn (polytheists, pagans, idolaters, disbelievers in the Oneness of Allâh) collectively, as they fight against you collectively. But know that Allâh is with those who are Al-Muttaqûn . (At-Tawbah 9:36)

    Abu Bakrah, radi Allahu anhu, reported that the Prophet salal laho aliehi wasalam said:

    "The year is twelve months of which four are sacred, the three consecutive months of Dhu'l-Qa'dah, Dhu'l-Hijjah and Muharram, and Rajab Mudar which comes between Jumada and Sha'ban." (Asim Bukhari : 2958)

     This verse and hadith clearly indicates that Moharram ul haram was a sacred month from the beginning of creations.

     All the time belongs to Allah but in sacred months it is the duty of Muslims to respect the signs and commands of Allah more than other months because the part of the above mentioned verse clearly says: “so wrong not yourselves therein” which means that any sin and wrong doing in these months is taken as serious violation compared to the sins and wrong doings done in the other months similarly all the acts which are done to seek reward and pleasure of Allah swt have more weight when they are performed in these sacred months.

     Important incidents that took place in Moharram:

     Although there are many important incidents that took place in Moharram but three of them are significant.

    1 Iiberation of Musa aliehis salam and people of Israel from tyranny of Pharaoh .
    2 Martyrdom of Hazrat Umer bin Khattab radi Allahu anhu.
    3 Martyrdom of syedna Hussain radi Allahu anhu.

    Musa aliehi salam along with children of Israel were liberated from tyranny of Pharaoh on 10th of Moharram .
    Umer radi Allahu anhu was martyred on 1st of Moharram due to injury inflicted by a Zoroastrian slave Feroz abul lulu while he was leading prayers in majsid of Nabi salal laho aliehi wasalam.

    Syedna Hussain radi Allahu anhu was martyred on 10th of Moharram along with is close relatives and companion in Karbala.

    Fasting of Ashura is Sunnah of Rasool salal laho aliehi wasalam:

    There are many hadiths which tell us that Rasool salal laho aliehi wasalam used to fast on 10th of this month and emphasized on the fasting of other days of Moharram also.

    Narrated 'Aisha radi Allahu anha:  (The tribe of) Quraish used to fast on the day of Ashura' in the Pre-lslamic period, and then Allah's Apostle salal laho aliehi waslama ordered (Muslims) to fast on it till the fasting in the month of Ramadan was prescribed; whereupon the Prophet said, "He who wants to fast (on 'Ashura') may fast, and he who does not want to fast may not fast." (Bukharee, Volume 3, Book 31:Number 117)

    Abu Hurayrah radi Allahu anhu reported that the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said:"The best fasting after Ramadhan is fasting Allah's month of Muharram." (Muslim:1982)

    Ibn e Abbas radi Allahu anhu reported that the Prophet, peace be upon him, came to Madinah and saw the Jews fasting on the day of 'Ashura. He asked: "What is this?" They said: "This is a righteous day, it is the day when Allah saved the Children of Israel from their enemies, so Musa fasted on this day." He said: "We have more right to Musa than you," so he fasted on that day and commanded [the Muslims] to fast on that day. (Bukhari:1865)

    Abu Musa radi Allahu anhu reported :"The Jews used to take the day of 'Ashura as a festival [according to a report narrated by Muslim: the day of 'Ashura was venerated by the Jews, who took it as a festival. The Prophet, salal laho aliehi wasalam said:'So you [Muslims] should fast on that day.' " (Bukhari)

    Reward of fasting on day of Ashura:
    Fasting on day of Ashura ie 10th of Moharram is a source of earning great blessings of Allah swt.

    Ibne Abbas radi Allahu anhu reported:I never saw the Messenger of Allah,salal laho aliehi wasalam so keen to fast on any day other than this day (which means he was keen to fast on this day more than all the days of the year except Ramadan which is indeed having preference due to obligatory fasting) and gave it priority over any other( day) i.e the day of 'Ashura (Bukhari:1867)

    The Prophet salal laho aliehi wasalam said:"For fasting the day of 'Ashura, I hope that Allah will accept it as expiation for the year that went before." ( Muslim:1976)

    These two hadiths make it clear that it is indeed a great act to fast on Ashura and it is a source of earning such a great reward that due to this fasting Allah forgives sins of the past year may Allah give us toufeeq to earn this reward Ameen.

    Important point to be rembered:

    This should however be kept in mind that this does not mean that a person goes on sinning with the hope that he will observe fast on Ashura and Arafah and his sins will be forgiven rather he should focus on obligations and should establish obligatory salah and fasting of Ramadan and also fast on Arafah and Ashura.Allah swt will inshaAllah forgive him when he will be dedicated and committed in his worshipping and if he will be leaving obligatory and wil be relying on these days alone than he is mistaken and needs to amend his thinking.

    It is encouraged to fast on Ninth besides 10th:
    'Abdullah ibn 'Abbas, radi Allahu anhu, said:
    "When the Messenger of Allah, salal laho aliehi waslam fasted on 'Ashura and commanded the Muslims to fast as well, they said, 'O Messenger of Allah, it is a day that is venerated by the Jews and Christians.' The Messenger of Allah salal laho aliehi waslaam said:'If I live to see the next year, insha'Allah, we will fast on the ninth day too.' But it so happened that the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, passed away before the next year came." (Muslim: 1916)

    This hadith clearly indicates that it was intention of Rasool salal laho aliehi wasalam to fast on 9th besides 10th so it is encouraged to fast on 9th besides 10th.Some of the scholars are of the view that fasting of 10th was actually substituted by 9th but majority of scholars are of the view that it was an addition to 10th of Moharram.

    All the above mentioned hadiths make it clear that fasting of Ashura has no direct link with martyrdom of syedna Hussain radi Allahu anhu and it was a practice of Rasool salal laho aliehi waslam long before the martyrdom of Hussain radi Allahu anhu.

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Religious and Historical Significance of Muharram

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New Islamic Year 1433 Hijri Is Here

    So another Islamic Year is over today with end of last Islamic month Dhul Hijjah of 1432 Hijri. New Islamic Year 1433 Hijri is here. New Islamic Month Muḥarram has started. We Would like to say a very happy new Islamic year 1433 Hijrah to all our brothers and sisters around the world.

    Our Blog was started on started on start of 1431 Hijri almost two years ago from now. and today with arrival of 1433 Hijri  it has turned two years old. With the start of new Islamic year i would request all Muslim brothers and sister to pray for Muslim Ummah which is having crises all around the world. May Allah SWT make 1433 Hijri  a year of change for Muslim Ummah. Ameen

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Stance of Islam About Early Age Marriages

    Marriage is basically a religious-cum-social contract between  people of opposite genders male and female. The purpose of marriage is to :

    1 Over come sexual deviation and corruption
    2 Continue human generations
    3 Get a life partner for sharing and satisfaction

    All these targets can be achieved if marriage is done with the consent of bride and families involved in this religious-cum-social contract.

    Some people are keen to know stance of Islam about age of bride and bride groom.There is no restriction in Islam about age of marriage .Any person who has reached the age of puberty is allowed to marry in Islam provided that he/she is mentally and physically mature to fulfil the liabilities of marriage.

    Many people have objections on early age marriages and they feel it is against human rights however on the other hand they are full supporters of free sex and are ready to accommodate even gays and lesbians under the banner of freedom, liberty and human rights.

    Islam is against every kind of moral corruption and strongly condemns free mixing of genders . It is unlucky that many religious Muslims also become victims of propaganda done by secular and liberal people and start raising voice against early age marriages.

    Reliable data shows that a large number of both genders is involved in moral corruption in early teens or even before and a majority of teenagers are involved in unethical activities especially masturbation which is not even taken unethical by many secular circles. This curse of masturbation causes mental distortion and many times leads to frigidity, impotence and acute depression.

    All this observation strengthens the Islamic stance that a person male or female should be married as soon as possible if they are able to fulfil their liabilities with or without assistance of their family this can save them from all kinds of moral corruption.Allah swt says:

    And marry those among you who are single (i.e. a man who has no wife and the woman who has no husband) and (also marry) the Sâlihûn (pious, fit and capable ones) of your (male) slaves and maid-servants (female slaves). If they be poor, Allâh will enrich them out of His Bounty. And Allâh is All-Sufficent for His creatures' needs, All-Knowing (about the state of the people). (An-Nur 24:32)

    This verse indicates that Islam wants that single men/women should be married even if they are not financially stable because character is more important is Islam than carrier.

    The first generation of Islam ie many sahabas practiced early age marriages and the result is quiet obvious that society was saved from all kind of moral corruptions.

    Some of the prominent sahabias married at early ages are

    1 Ummul momineen Ayesha radi Allahu anha
    2 Ummul momineen Safiyya bint e Hayy radi Allahu anha
    3 Hazrat Fatimah tuz Zahra radi Allahu anhu

    It is however not obligatory to marry at early ages and according to surah Noor people can wait till they are financially stable.

    Allah swt says:

    And let those who find not the financial means for marriage keep themselves chaste, until Allâh enriches them of His Bounty. And such of your slaves as seek a writing (of emancipation), give them such writing, if you know that they are good and trustworthy. And give them something yourselves out of the wealth of Allâh which He has bestowed upon you (An-Nur 24:33)

     This verse clearly indicates that there is no compulsion on a person to marry at early age and he/she can wait if they can save them from corruption but no one should criticize the early age marriages because it is one of the major ways to over come moral corruption and one thing should be kept in mind that early age marriage does not mean that a girl is being married without her consent .The consent of bride must be taken because without consent of guardian and bride a marriage is not legal in Islam.

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Stance of Islam About Early Age Marriages

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See Virtue While Searching For Husband/Wife

    When People wants to get married specially men what they look for in a girl??? Most of the people sees money, beauty, status etc. How many people sees for the virtue while finding the life partner?? there would very few people who looks for virtue while most of the people goes after money and beauty.

    Our religion Islam which is a complete code of life even teaches us about choosing a right life partner. Islam makes it clear that Virtue is the factor which should be seen while looking for a wife or husband.  There is no problem in money or beauty but that person should also have Virtue. See for a life partner that fears Allah, have good character, follows Islam in his/her life.  There is also a hadith of Prophet Muhammad SAW about it which says if you have to choose your life partner choose the one who has Virtue.

    If you will go after money, beauty or status and not the Virtue then it can create problems in your married life. if you marry a person who has the virtue he/she will treat you in a good manner and will make your life happier however beauty or money does not guarantee that. So be careful before taking big decision of choosing your husband or wife. May Allah SWT help us all to choose the right life partners for ourselves.

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