Bismillah on sea color - Islamic wallpaper

    Bismillah on sea color - Islamic wallpaper

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Bismillah on sea color - Islamic wallpaper

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Bismillah in urdu style - Islamic wallpaper

    Bismillah in urdu style - Islamic wallpaper

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Bismillah in urdu style - Islamic wallpaper

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Celebrating Eid Milad un Nabi in light of Quran and Sunnah

    on 12th date of Islamic month Rabi ul awal that is birth date of Holy Prophet Muhammad Saw Eid Milad Un Nabi is celebrated. Some people celebrate it as a third eid and do different things such as making mountains, brightening many lights. but i will be discussing Eid Milad un Nabi in light of Quran and Sunnah.This day came in life of Prophet Muhammad Saw 63 times, during Nabuwat 23 times but did ever Prophet Muhammad saw celebrated it? it came twice in Khilafat of Abu Bakar r.a, 10 times in Khilafat of Umar r.a, 12 times in Khilafat of Usman r.a and 4 times in Khilafat of Ali r.a did any one of them ever celebrated this day? Even Holy Prophet Saw never told date of his birth and also there are different dates mentioned of birth of Rasool Allah Saw by different people.

    According to Abdul Qadir Jilani r.a Holy Prophet saw was born on 9th Rabi ul awal. lets see what Holy Prophet Saw said about his birthday and what he did on it. Rasool Allah saw said in a hadith i fast on Mondy because i was born on this day so if someone wants to show his happiness on birth of Holy Prophet saw he must Fast on Monday instead of creating new things in religion because Rasool Allah saw said whoever creates any new thing in our religion he is not from us and is mardood so this Hadith proves that creating any new thing in Islam is against Sunnah and if we really want to celebrate the happiness of birth of Rasool Allah saw we must Fast. May Allah Swt help us all in following the Sunnah of Rasool Allah saw.

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Celebrating Eid Milad un Nabi in light of Quran and Sunnah

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Bismillah mix colors - Islamic wallpaper

    Bismillah mix colors - Islamic wallpaper

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Bismillah mix colors - Islamic wallpaper

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Bismillah with Masjid Aqsa - Islamic wallpaper

    Bismillah with Masjid Aqsa - Islamic wallpaper

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Bismillah with Masjid Aqsa - Islamic wallpaper

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Azan Adhan by Shaikh Yusuf Islam

    Azan Adhan in amazing voice of  Shaikh Yusuf Islam.

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Azan Adhan by Shaikh Yusuf Islam

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Bismillah with Map - Islamic wallpaper

    Bismillah with Map - Islamic wallpaper

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Bismillah with Map - Islamic wallpaper

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Mosques with Sun - Islamic wallpaper

    Mosques with Sun - Islamic wallpaper

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Mosques with Sun - Islamic wallpaper

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Beautiful Islam - Islamic wallpaper

    Beautiful Islam - Islamic wallpaper

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Beautiful Islam - Islamic wallpaper

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Ayat Ul Qursi - Islamic wallpaper

    Ayat Ul Qursi - Islamic wallpaper

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Ayat Ul Qursi - Islamic wallpaper

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Difference between Muslims & so called Secular,s

    in below photo you can watch Muslims doing protest against insult of Jesus Christ in India where his wrong photos are published in a book and Muslims are the first to do protest against it. This is the Difference between Muslims and some so called Western Secular,s because they insults Prophets of Islam but we Muslims also stands against insult of others religious personalities.

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Difference between Muslims & so called Secular,s

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Mosque Purple color - Islamic wallpaper

    Mosque Purple color - Islamic wallpaper

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Mosque Purple color - Islamic wallpaper

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Ina nahnu nazlna Ayat - Islamic wallpaper

    Ina nahnu nazlna Ayat - Islamic wallpaper

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Ina nahnu nazlna Ayat - Islamic wallpaper

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Hadiths to Teach your Kid at age 4

    a month ago i discussed the Hadiths of Rasool Allah Saw to teach your kid when he/she reaches the age of 3 but today i will be discussing some of the Hadiths to teach your kids when he reaches the ago of 4. following are these Hadiths:

    1 The person who walks on the paths of getting knowledge Allah opens paths of Heaven for him.
    2 meeting others with smiling is also a virtue.
    3 if you can provide any benefit to your brother provide it.
    4 if someone gives you offer of eating accept it.
    5 when two people are discussing something don,t interfere in that.
    6 Eat with right hand and after reading Bismillah.
    7 keep your parents happy Allah will be happy from you.
    8 Father is the middle door of heaven.
    9 don,t do those thing that are not of your purpose.
    10 when you are angry keep silence.
    11 abusing a Muslim is wrong and killing him is kufr.
    12 Munafiq has three signs when talks lies, when promises breaks it and do khiyanat in Emanat.
    13 Doing Tobah from sins is like you have not done that sin.
    14 Eat together it will bring blessing for you.
    15 Allah Swt likes that person who has Taqwa, helps needy people and do a virtue to show people.

    Teach this hadiths to your kids at age of 4. May Allah Swt help us all in taking good care of our kids according to Sunah of Rasool Allah Saw.

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Hadiths to Teach your Kid at age 4

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Ya Galib - Islamic wallpaper

    Ya Galib  - Islamic wallpaper

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Ya Galib - Islamic wallpaper

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Bismillah green background - Islamic wallpaper

    Bismillah green background - Islamic wallpaper

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Bismillah green background - Islamic wallpaper

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Muslims under target of so called liberal Westerners

    Today Muslims are called Fundamentalists and Terrorists and it is tried to show that Muslims are narrow minded while these Western Elements tries to show themselves as very Bright minded, Secular and good humans. Muslims are showed as Terrorists everywhere. But lets see some ground realities. Now its become common to make fun of Islam and Muslims. how Islam is portrayed and targeted. They lose no chance of attacking Islam. Sometimes they Makes Cartoon of Prophet Muhammd Pbuh, Sometimes they bring such video games in which Muslims are showed as terrorists, Sometimes they bring such shoes in Market on whom,s back side Allah is written, sometimes they writes Allah on the cloth that is used in bathroom, sometimes they makes Kaabah shape Wine shops. They lose no chances of attacking and Making fun of Islam. Now my question is did ever you heared Muslims making fun of Jesus Christ Pbuh or writing Ram on bathroom cloth? then who is bright minded and humanity lover and who is extremist and anti humans?

    same way if we see Internet making fun of Islam and Muslims is very common. go to Facebook website or other Social networking sites you will find many communities abusing Islam, Allah and Prophet Muhammad Pbuh. now my same question on Internet do you see Muslim's websites against Jesus Christ or communities again Ram and Krishan? Every year Israel kills thousands of Muslims of Palestine but still Israel is not called Terrorist but Hamas is called Terrorist. 97321 Kashmiri people are killed in last 20 years  in Kashmir but the Indian army is not called terrorist  but the Kashmiri,s who picked up guns to save their mothers and sisters are called Terrorists. now you decide who is fundamentalist, Terrorist and narrow minded. May Allah Swt give everyone Hidaya.

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Muslims under target of so called liberal Westerners

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Major role player in Swiss Minaret Ban accepts Islam

    Major role player in Switzerland Islamic Mosques Minaret Ban Daniel Streich accepts Islam and do Toba. Check out this Video about him.

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Major role player in Swiss Minaret Ban accepts Islam

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Allah Name with Tree - Islamic wallpaper

    Allah Name with Tree - Islamic wallpaper

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Allah Name with Tree - Islamic wallpaper

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Bismillah lined background - Islamic wallpaper

    Bismillah lined background - Islamic wallpaper

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Bismillah lined background - Islamic wallpaper

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Mother Rights in Islam Lecture by Dr Zakir Naik

    Dr Zakir Naik Explains the Mother rights in Islam in this lecture after watching it you will have to agree that there is no other law or Religion that gives so much rights to Mother.

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Mother Rights in Islam Lecture by Dr Zakir Naik

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Bismillah Purple Color - Islamic wallpaper

    Bismillah Purple Color - Islamic wallpaper

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Bismillah Purple Color - Islamic wallpaper

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Allah Name Green Color - Islamic wallpaper

    Allah Name Green Color - Islamic wallpaper

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Allah Name Green Color - Islamic wallpaper

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Tips to Earn Halal Income online

    Struggling to Earn Halal income is also a Virtue in Islam while Earning Money from Haram ways is a big sin in Islam such as interest, gambling or Fraud ways. Also there are many bad effects of Haram Income and according to Hadith Dua of that person is also not accepted who Earns money by Haram ways. Today i will be writing on the topic of Earning Halal Money online. These days when rate of unemployment is increasing, rates of necessities are also increasing lot of people are looking for the ways of Earning Halal money because they don,t get a Job. While use of Internet is also increasing very rapidly and increase in internet users means more chances of Earning Halal money online. So today i will be discussing different Halal ways of Earning money online.There are hundreds of ways of Earning Halal Money online but i will only be discussing some best ways.

    1 Earning Halal Money online by running a Blog or Website: Yes you can Earn Halal money online by running a blog or website. Make a blog or website on a Halal topic such as Islam, Computers, Sports and start writing on it. When you will make a blog or website there are different Advertising companies who will provide you there advertisements which you will put on your blog and will pay you for this. The good thing about those advertisements will be that they will be according to topic of your blog or website for Example if you have made blog or website about Islam those advertisements will also be about Islam.

    2 Earning Halal Money online by selling things: Another way you can try to Earn Halal Money online is selling things online. it works just like a shop. you will build an online shop and people will buy things from you online and will also pay after which you will send things to their address. you can sell anything online. Last year a website was selling Goats online for Eid Sacrifices in Pakistan.

    3 Earning Halal Money by writing articles for Articles websites: This is also a famous way of Earning Halal money online. There are different big Articles websites which will pay you for writing articles on their websites. you can write about any topic about which you know well.

    4 Some other ways of Earning Halal Money online: running a video website, running a online Forum, Running a Muslim matrimonial  website. May Allah Swt help us all in Earning Halal income and save us from Haram.

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Tips to Earn Halal Income online

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Allah Name with Red Background - Islamic Wallpaper

    Allah Name with Red Background - Islamic Wallpaper

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Allah Name with Red Background - Islamic Wallpaper

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Lailaha illa with Date tree - Islamic Wallpaper

    Lailaha illa with Date tree - Islamic Wallpaper

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Lailaha illa with Date tree - Islamic Wallpaper

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Quran Ayat - Islamic Wallpaper

    Quran Ayat - Islamic Wallpaper

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Quran Ayat - Islamic Wallpaper

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Mohammad saw Green color - Islamic wallpaper

    Mohammad saw Green color - Islamic wallpaper

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Mohammad saw Green color - Islamic wallpaper

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First Islamic Auto Wudu Machine Launched

    A Malaysian company has made a Auto Wudu Machine last week specially for Wudu of Muslims. This Machine is made to save water wasting during Wudu. This Machine has made Wudu more easy, better as well as faster. Most importantly it will save lot of water that many people usually waste during doing Wudu. its an green color computerized Machine. while doing Wudu its is not required to to touch the taps because taps will active with water proof diffuser sensors.

    Another amazing thing in this machine is that its surfaces are coated completely with Nano silver which will help in preventing the bacteria,s infection as well as contact fungal. another feature of this machine is that it will also play Dua while starting and after doing the Wudu automatically. But the cost of this Machine is very high $3500. the amount spent by the company while developing this Machine is  $2.5 Million. As i said above the main benefit of the machine is that it will save the water from wasting. This company will try to introduce to this Machine at Hajj for which they are discussing with Saudi authorities. May Allah Swt help us in doing Wudu according to Sunnah of our Prophet Saw without wasting the water.

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First Islamic Auto Wudu Machine Launched

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Bismillah - Islamic wallpaper

    Bismillah - Islamic wallpaper

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Bismillah - Islamic wallpaper

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Allah Akber - Islamic Wallpaper

    Allah Akber - Islamic Wallpaper

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Allah Akber - Islamic Wallpaper

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Holland Ambassador Listening Quran from a Madrsa Child

    Islamic Madrassa,s are the Places where Holy Quran is Taught to Children. Today international media is spreading massive propaganda against Islamic Madrassa,s that these Madrassa,s are creating terrorists and Extremists and they must be closed that is a big lie. More than 99% Terrorist are not taught in Madrsa's but have studied Universities. Even Usama Bin Laden is not taught in any Madrs'a but he was taught in a University. So my Question is that will you also close the Universities because most of terrorists are taught in Universities? In Below Photo you can see Holland Ambassador in Pakistan is Listening Holy Quran from a Madrsa Child.

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Holland Ambassador Listening Quran from a Madrsa Child

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Tauseef Rehman Lecture reality of Valentines Day

    Shaikh Tauseef ur Rehman Lecture tells reality of Valentines Day.What is its history and what is Islamic point of view about it?

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Tauseef Rehman Lecture reality of Valentines Day

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Allah Name with purple Background - Islamic Wallpaper

    Allah Name with Purple Background - Islamic Wallpaper

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Allah Name with purple Background - Islamic Wallpaper

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La hola vala quata - Islamic wallpaper

    La hola vala quata - Islamic wallpaper

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La hola vala quata - Islamic wallpaper

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Mohammad saw blue color - Islamic wallpaper

    Mohammad saw blue color - Islamic wallpaper

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Mohammad saw blue color - Islamic wallpaper

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Islamic tips to get rid of Depression

    Depression is one of the major problem of present fast world. it is a dangerous problem with whom millions of people suffer due to various reasons like financial problems, not taking proper care of your health etc. Depression is a problem which effects every part of your life and health. a person who suffers from depression always feels unsafe and tension. Islam is a complete way of life which gives solution for every problem of the world so today i will be sharing some Islamic tips to get rid of Depression. Follow these tips and i give you 100% guarantee that you Depression will vanish away soon.

    First tip is that always offer Prayers five times a day. when a person offers prayer he feels lot of peace inside himself and it bring hims closer to Allah Swt. when i offer Prayer it gives me lots of Peace and happiness. Second tip is that looking towards those who are below you. Many people gets depressed due to financial problems or less wealth as compared to others. instead of watching towards that person who has more wealth than you watch those people who are below you. it is also the Hadith of Rasool Allah saw. third tip is turning towards Allah and remembering nothing can harm you without Allah's consent. Remember this life is a test for hereafter and if you will face difficulties of this life with courage Allah Swt will reward you in hereafter.

    Fourth tip is that while going out of your house read Dua of leaving house that is Bismilahe tawakaltu al Allah hi la haula wala quata ila biAlla. Fifth tip is that try to do works of Islam like doing Dawah of Islam, helping the poors, and doing welfare activities. Follow these tips and Inshallah your Depression will end. May Allah Swt give all those people good health who are suffering from problems like Depression.

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Islamic tips to get rid of Depression

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Masjid Nabwi midnight - Islamic Wallpaper

    Masjid Nabwi midnight - Islamic Wallpaper

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Masjid Nabwi midnight - Islamic Wallpaper

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Allah Name Golden Color - Islamic wallpaper

    Allah Name Golden Color - Islamic wallpaper

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Allah Name Golden Color - Islamic wallpaper

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New Islamic IPhone Application is launched

    Mobile and Internet Use is increasing rapidly specially in youngsters. Like other things Mobile and Internet can be used for good purposes or bad purposes they themselves are not bad things. you can know anything about Islam using Internet. Same way many Islamic applications keep on coming for Mobile phones. Holy Quran is available in Mobile Phones in less than 1 MB size. There are many other interesting Islamic Mobile applications Like Mobile Hadith, Kaaba compass, Prayer Timings.

    A week ago a famous company IPhone has also launched a very interesting Islamic application for IPhone.This application contains different facilities like Prayer Alaram, Kaaba direction, Prayer times etc. the name of this Islamic application is Macca Locator. IPhone is not used much in sub-continent but it is very famous in Western countries. if you have a IPhone Download this application now because its really useful. to visit official website of Macca Locator Click Here. May Allah Swt help us in making correct use of Modern Technology.

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New Islamic IPhone Application is launched

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Allah Name with Black background - Islamic Wallpaper

    Allah Name with Black background - Islamic Wallpaper

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Allah Name with Black background - Islamic Wallpaper

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Masjid Nabwi Far - Islamic wallpaper

    Masjid Nabwi Far - Islamic wallpaper

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Masjid Nabwi Far - Islamic wallpaper

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Ahmed Deedat on was Jesus Christ really crucified?

    Shaikh Ahmed Deedat on was Jesus Christ Pbuh really crucified?

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Ahmed Deedat on was Jesus Christ really crucified?

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Lailaha illa - Islamic Wallpaper

    Lailaha illa - Islamic Wallpaper

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Lailaha illa - Islamic Wallpaper

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Islamic point of View on Celebrating valentine's day

    Valentine's day is celebrated on 14 February. it is called the day of Love and many Girls and boys propose each other on this day. if we see from Islamic point of view it is completely Haram to Celebrate valentine's day. Islam don,t gives us permission of doing such works its against Islamic as well as Eastern culture. People who propose others sisters on this day i have a simple question to them will you like if someone also propose your sister on this day?

    Allah Swt says in the Holy Quran to men "Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modest". Allah Swt says to women in Holy Quran "And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments". According to Holy Quran and Hadiths of Rasool Allah Swt such works like valentine's day are totally Haram.

    Valentine's day also encourages Non Mahram man and women to meet each other that is against Islamic guidelines. its also the copy of unislamic culture. Valentine's day also increase vulgarity. The above points are enough to prove that Valentine's day is Unislamic and Haram. May Allah Swt show us right way.

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Islamic point of View on Celebrating valentine's day

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Mosque Roof - Islamic wallpaper

    Mosque Roof - Islamic wallpaper

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Mosque Roof - Islamic wallpaper

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unclear Bismillah and Minaret - Islamic wallpaper

    unclear Bismillah and Minaret - Islamic wallpaper

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unclear Bismillah and Minaret - Islamic wallpaper

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Fatwa of an Egyptian Scholar against Facebook

    A Big Egyptian Islamic Scholar Shaikh Abdul Hamid Al Tarash has issued a Fatwa recently against using the most famous Social network website Facebook in which people talk to each other. He has said in his Fatwa that Facebook is creating lots of Social problems in the society. He said that after coming of Facebook in last few years there is record increase in rate of divorces. So the Muslims who are using Facebook are doing sin. He also said that Facebook has destroyed the family system because on Facebook married Women and Men talks to other Men and Women which is creating lots of problems so its against Islamic Shariah.

    Well i agree to some of the points of Shaikh Abdul Tarash but i also disagree with some of his points. its is 100% true that Facebook and others sites likes this are creating problems in society, increasing divorce rate and  destroying family system but Facbook can also be used for good purposes. Many people use it to do Dawah of Islam and other good purposes. i will give the example of TV. on TV you can watch an Islamic Channel or can watch bad things its on the use of the thing. same way Facebook is not a bad thing itself if you use it correctly so saying that Muslims who are using Facebook are doing sin is wrong. He must say Muslims who are doing wrong use of Facebook are doing sin. May Allah Swt help us all to use Internet for good purposes.

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Fatwa of an Egyptian Scholar against Facebook

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Kaabah view in bright lights - Islamic wallpaper

    Kaabah view in bright lights - Islamic wallpaper

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Kaabah view in bright lights - Islamic wallpaper

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Mosque Al Aqsa above View - Islamic Wallpaper

    Mosque Al Aqsa above View - Islamic Wallpaper

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Mosque Al Aqsa above View - Islamic Wallpaper

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Yusuf Estes Why Muslims worship the Black Box in the Desert Kaabah?

    Shaikh Yusuf Estes answer to Why Muslims worship the Black Box in the Desert Kaabah?

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Yusuf Estes Why Muslims worship the Black Box in the Desert Kaabah?

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Kaabah night view - Islamic wallpaper

    Kaabah night view - Islamic wallpaper

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Kaabah night view - Islamic wallpaper

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Quran printing Complex - Islamic wallpaper

    Quran printing Complex - Islamic wallpaper

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Quran printing Complex - Islamic wallpaper

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Kairouan Mosque - Islamic Wallpaper

    Kairouan Mosque - Islamic Wallpaper

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Kairouan Mosque - Islamic Wallpaper

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Islamic point of view on innocent Killings

    In recent years specially after 9/11 Islam is under attack. Everyday more than 3 books are written against Islam in which Quranic verses are quoted out of context and with changing the meanings and it is tried to show that Islam supports Islamic killings. there are thousands of Website online bombarding wrong information about Islam. We also see the worlds Islamic terrorists and Muslim extremists used on Media against Muslims. but lets see what actually Islam says about innocent killings.

    Al Quran says in Surah Maidah whoever kills an innocent person it is as he has killed the whole of humanity and whoever saves a person it is as he has saved the whole of humanity. it is my challenge that there is no other religious scripture which says that killing an innocent person is like killing whole of humanity. watch what rules where told by Holy Prophet Saw during the war. Holy Prophet Saw said in Hadith "Do not lay hands on the old verging on death, on women, children and babies. Do not steal anything from the booty and collect together all that falls to your lot in the battlefield and do good, for Allah loves the virtuous and the pious."

    Now some people will argue with me that Quran also speaks about fighting. yes its speaks about fighting but fighting for truth fighting for justice fighting against injustice. this type  fighting is also told is Bible by Jesus Pbuh. the Same fight is told in Mahbharat by Ram. i challenge anyone to show a single verse of Quran which talks about killing innocent people. while i can show you 100 speaking about against killing innocents and talking about Peace. May Allah Swt help everyone to understand the Islam correctly.

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Islamic point of view on innocent Killings

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Kaabah day view - Islamic wallpaper

    Kaabah day view - Islamic wallpaper

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Kaabah day view - Islamic wallpaper

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opened Quran - Islamic wallpaper

    Opened Quran - Islamic wallpaper

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opened Quran - Islamic wallpaper

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Benefits of Islamic Zakat

    Zakat is one of the five pillars of Islam and have important place in Islam. Zakat is mentioned twenty times on different places in Holy Quran along with Salaah. Zakat is an arabic word which means growth, purification and extension of wealth. it is one of the five pillars of Islam. Technically Zakat is a transfer payment which Sahib Nisab Muslim gives to poors. By paying Zakat a person actually clean and purify his wealth. By the payment of Zakat the circulation of wealth increases which the healthy growth of the community. when the circulation of wealth stops and remains in few hand the poverty increases very much. we can take the example of India where only 36 families are having $191 billions which is equal to 1/4 of Indian GDP and we can see the result how much poverty Indian common man has. if every person gives Zakat to poors Poverty will vanish away from the earth.

    Benefits of Zakat
    now i will discuss some benefits of Zakat which we can have by paying Zakat.
    1 Enhances Volume of Production
    when Zakat is collected and distributed among the poor they spend it on various consumer goods which increase the demand of various products of industries which increases production of goods.

    2 Discourages Hoarding
    Zakat discourages hoarding because it is levied on hoarded wealth.

    3 raises Savings
    Zakat is paid out of the accumulated wealth. the wealth owner must in saving ratio, in order to prevent the level of his wealth from decreasing.

    4 Zakat increase level of income
    Zakat increase level of income due to circulation of wealth in the economy.

    5 Raises investment
    Zakat Raises investment due to increase in consumption and production of goods.

    6 reduces chances of recession
    Zakat increases circulation of wealth which reduces chances of recession.

    7  Reduces inequality of Wealth
    Zakat is distributed among the poors from rich people so it reduces inequality of wealth.

    8 Raises Income level
    Distribution of Zakat acts as an unemployment tool. Zakat is given to poor it increases his income level.

    9 Raises Demand for necessities
    Zakat Raises demand for necessities because poor buys things with Zakat of his needs.

    10 Raises Standard of Living
    Zakat Raises standard of living of a poor person.

    11 Reduces unemployment
    Zakat reduces unemployment and helps poors to do business with amount of Zakat.

    12 End Poverty
    Zakat ends poverty as Zakat is given to poors.

    13 Redistribution of National Income.

    14 Reduces Crimes.

    Zakat has many other benefits as well. it is indeed the best way of ending poverty from earth May Allah Swt help us in giving Zakat to deserving people.

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Benefits of Islamic Zakat

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