Islamic Point Of View On Following Someone's Order Given In Dream

    Here is a Islamic Discussion that whether we should follow someone's order if we see it in dream?

    Ibne Athakir said: Abul Fadhal Muhammad bin Fadhal bin al-Muzaffar al-Abdi who is judge in Bahrain told me in the letter. He saw Yazeed bin Muawiyah in the dream. I asked him: Did you kill hussain? Yazeed said No. I asked Allah saved you? He said “Yes” Allah sent me in the paradise.
    [Al Bidaya wal Nihaya vol 16 page no: 299 under the Tarjuma of Yazeed bin Muawiyah]
    Comment: I have seen people quoting their dreams and the dreams of Sufis and they act upon them. Above dream is also the dream of a pious person. What will they do regarding this?
    This topic is not about debate on Yazeed bin Muawiyah, I just wanted to ask question from those who believe that dreams of the pious is an evidence. I will quote other dreams to which they do not agree. Like pious people watching in the dream that Prophet peace be upon him doing Rafa yadain etc.

    Abdul Raheem
    Good point Asim bhai..And aJzakallah for sharing it
    And waiting for more.

    Imam Abu Jafar Ahmad bin Ishaq said "I was on the madhab of people of Iraq. I saw Prophet peace be upon him in dream, he was praying and doing Rafayadain in first takbeer, in rukoo and after rukoo.[Sunan Darqutni hadeeth no: 1112]
    Comment What about this dream?

    Noor Ul Huda
    but in a hadith of sahe bukhari, muhammad s.a.w.w said that if one sees him (s.a.w.w) in dream it means, he has seen the truth. because satan can not take form of muhammad s.a.w.w.

    if we relate the saying of jafar sadiq r.h. we can negate his dream. he might got confused in his dream or he might have forgotten half part of his dream. we dnt know!!!

    (i don't mean to be harsh or in any way insulting)

    Ahmed you made a very good point......I think the dreams of pious people who are died many years back must be scrutinize just the way we differentiate between strong, weak and fabricated hadith.
    A dream can have any meaning of which only an honest expert can judge what a particular dream means.

    Ibne Kathir mentioned another dream regarding Yazeed

    His mother saw in dream that she delivered the moon. She narrated her dream to her mother, Her mother said: If your dream is true then surely you will deliver the one who will be the khalipah [Al Bidaya wal Nihaya Vol 16 page 288 biography of Yazeed bin Muawiyah]

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Islamic Point Of View On Following Someone's Order Given In Dream

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