Taweez In Islam

    Taweez or amulets are the well known tools to wave off bad luck, jins, paranormal beings, magic effects, bad eye etc. the market of taweez is so huge that every month the taweez writers and taweez maker earn very handsome amount.

    With taweez are associated so many stories which look more like alien stories than have happened on earth. Those who believe in taweez do not take even a step out of their bed without their taweez. There are many verities of taweez for every purpose. Taweez with better result are expensive while taweez with short time results are cheap.

    Is this all related to islam anyway?  See the hadith given below and decide yourself;

    Sunan Abu Dawood Book 28, Number 3860:
    Narrated Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-'As:
    “I heard the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) say: If I drink an antidote, or tie an amulet, or compose poetry, I am the type who does not care what he does.”

    This is not islam to wear amulets for the good charm or to wave of bad luck etc. these all fell into the category of weak belief and sometimes they lead to disbelief as well. Why to rely on some bangles or pieces of paper for our protection when we know that ALLAH swt is nearer to us even than our jugular vein? When ALLAH swt said himself that HE is near to us than our jugular vein this means HE does not need those amulets or other jewelry to protect us but HIS mercy is huge and HIS power is over all things. Not even a leaf can move without HIS permission.

    ALLAH is the one who when decided something and says “BE” and it comes into being. For such a powerful GOD, do we need those taweez written by humans?

    Some argue that taweez which contains shirk are not permissible but taweez which contain verses of Quran cannot be rejected. For such people only one statement is enough, that is Quran and its verses are for guidance they are not to hang them in necks and forget the purpose of them i.e. to understand them.

    Taweez is an issue which is controversial because people get emotional at the issue of quranic verses as taweez. Only if we understand that Quran and its verses are to understand half of the proplems will be solved.
    Instead of wearing amulets, we should seek ALLAH’s help and forgiveness all the time and whenever some trouble befalls us, we should only remember ALLAH rather than running to dargahs and shrines and towards pirs.

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Taweez In Islam

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Muslims Follows Jesus pbuh more than Christians

    ALLAH swt sent HIS messengers to guide humans in every age. He selected his special slaves for this purpose who are called messengers. Among those messengers Jesus Christ (ESA a.s) is that messenger of ALLAH who was born to a virgin lady Maryum a.s. it was ALLAH’s decision and His greatest blessing on maryum a.s that she was chosen to be virgin mother of that prophet of ALLAH who will be ascended to heavens and will descend on earth when humanity will need a guide badly.

    Christians think that they are devotees of esa a.s and in their devotion they have gone to wrong side by calling him son of GOD. Christians believe that GOD has sacrificed His son for the sins of humanity till eternity. Christians believe in a holy spirit and say that “threesome” means complete GOD.

    The chritians trinity was never preached by ESA a.s. and it was never practiced by Him in his life and when He will come again on earth to complete his life, he will reject these Christians at once because they will call him son of GOD which is a dragotry comment for every GOD fearing muslims.

    The divine religions before islam stopped their religions at their respective prophets despite of their news of the last messenger. Among all the previous messengers, ESA a.s is the only one who gave news of the coming of a final messenger after him who will be last and will come with the final message and that every Christian must follow him in order to remain on right path. As soon as jews claimed to kill him, most number of his followers turned away from his preaching and made him their god. They thought that ESA a.s. could gave life to dead because he was god but he could gave life to dead because he was given this miracle by ALLAH who created him.

    Christians went to the length of absurdities by saying crap about maryum a.s. what was written in Quran was testified by the Christians of the time of Muhammad s.a.w.w so majority of them accepted islam. But most of them remained on their false faith and they are still on the same track which has now gone uglier than ever before.

    Quran is that divine book, which confirms what was reveled in torah and it is that book which confirms what was reveled in zaboor and it is the same book which confirms what was reveled in gospel. We muslims cannot reject any messenger who came before ALLAH swt and we cannot associate with them any message other than oneness of ALLAH swt, the primary message preached by them.

    Thus we muslims are following the same message which ESA a.s. preached. This means we confirm his messenger ship and we confirm his higher status which Christians do not confirm because they think a human can become god any time.

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Muslims Follows Jesus pbuh more than Christians

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Hazrat Khadija R.A

    The first person who accepted islam and accepted the prophet hood of Muhammad s.a.w.w was His first wife khadija r.a. she was one of the richest people of makkah. She was a business woman who’s business as looked after by her appointed men.

    Once she needed an honest person to take her carvan of goods for trade. Muhammad s.a.w.w took her carvan for trade and earn her good profit which was more than she earned and she also got to know that He was honets in dealing. This act of Muhammad s.a.w.w was so liked by her that she proposed Him for marriage. At that time Muhammad s.a.w.w was not only helped financially by ALLAH swt but HE also gave Him a lovely and trustworthy companion as His wife.

    Hazrat khadija r.a. was 15 years older than Muhammad s.a.w.w but even than she rpoved to be a best wife and a best companion of Him.

    When Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.w was given prophet hood, He came home and was shivering, He told khadija r.a. to cover Him with some shawl she did so. He was so afraid that He was able to speak after some time. Then he told her about the wahi and she believed each and every word He told her without any doubt. This shows that she was a lady with great personality.

    Mostly women like to argue over what their husbands tell them. They do not like to believe in their husbands rather ask questions and counter questions. But khadija r.a. believed in His words and she took Him to one of her cousins who accepted Christianity, his name was nofil. He told them about a priest who finally told them that whatever Muhammad s.a.w.w was saying was right and that He was that final messenger who had to come.

    Khadija r.a. was mother of Fatima r.a. who was beloved daughter of Muhammad s.a.w.w. hazrat khadija r.a. was the biggest moral support for Muhammad s.a.w.w when first wahi came to Him he became afraid and she soothed Him. Between first and second wahi there was some idle tiem when prophet Muhammad s.a.w.w got depressed so much that it is written in a sahih hadith of bukhair that He even tried to jump off from the mountain. This was because He was so depressed and was waiting so much for the second wahi to come. This was that tiem when He needed badly someone at his side. And khadija r.a. remained at His side till she died. When she died, this deeply moved Muhammad s.a.w.w because He loved her so much. This year was called year of sorrow.

    Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.w loved her so much that He did not remarry until she died. After her death He married again.

    The contributions of khadija  r.a. towards islam are so many. May ALLAH be pleased with her amin.

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Duas for Daily Life

    There are duas for all the routine acts that we do daily. ALLAH swt has set a standard for us which differs muslims from non muslims. This difference is based on the fact that muslims do not only worship ALLAH but remember Him in everything they do. For this, there are some prayers for every activity which we do which does not only protect us from evil but also ensures blessing of ALLAH in that act.

    For example, before doing any act like eating , drinking, sitting standing, holding something, placing something etc we should recite Bismillah, which means “I start with the name of ALLAH the most gracious the most merciful”. It is said that when Bismillah was reveled on Muhammad s.a.w.w. satan was beaten with rocks and stones. This shows that the blessings of this verse are huge. And when a person recites ALLAH’s name before he starts anything, he ensures that his work will be free of satanic intentions .

    Similarly, for every act a dua is recited which does not only protect us from shaitan but also earns us reward. Below is given some of those important duas which we all must memories and recite.

    Du'a before sleeping:

    Alllahuma bismika amuutu wa ahyaa.
    Oh Allah! With your name I die and I live.

    Du'a after waking up:
    Alhamdulillahillazi ahyaanaa ba'da maa amaata-naa wa ilaihinnushuur.
    All praise to Allah, who revived us to life after given us death, and to him we shall have to return.

    Du'a after having a good dream:
    Alhamdulillahi rabbil aalamin.
    All praises be to Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds.

    Du'a after having a bad dream:
    Audhu billahi mina shaytan nir rajiim.
    I seek refuge of Allah from satan the accursed.

    Du'a before entering the toilet:
    Bismillahi allahumma innii audhu bika minal khubusi wal khabaais.
    Oh Allah! I seek protection in you from the filth and impurity.

    Du'a after leaving the toilet:
    Ghufraanaka alhamdu lillaahillazi azhaba 'annil azaa wa aafaanii.
    I seek Your pardon, all praises are due to Allah who has taken away from me discomfort and granted me relief.

    Du'a when putting on a garment:
    Alhamdulillah hillazii kasaanii haazaa warazaqaniihi min ghairi haulim minny walaa quwwah.
    All praises be to Allah who has clothed me with this garment, and has given it to me without difficulty.

    Du'a when taking off a garment:
    Bismillah hillazii laa ilaha illaa huwa.
    In the name of Allah that there is no god except Him.

    Du'a when putting on a new garment:
    Alhamdulillah hillzii kasaanii maa uwaarii bihii 'auratii wa atajammalu bihii fii hayatii.
    All praises be to Allah who has clothed me with that which I cover my body and with wich I attain beauty in my life.

    Du'a when looking into the mirror:
    Alllahuma anta hasaanta khalqii fahassin khuluqii.
    Oh Allah! You have made my physical shape beautiful, so beauty my character too.

    Du'a before eating:
    Bismillaahi wa'alaa barakatillahi.
    In the name of Allah and with the blessing of Allah.

    Du'a after eating:
    Alhamdulillah hillazi at'amanaa wa saqaanaa wa ja'alana minal Muslimiin.
    All praises are due to Allah who has provided us with food and drink and made us Muslims.

    Du'a after taking milk:
    Allahuma baarik lana fiihi wa zidnaa minhu.
    Oh Allah! Bless us with it and increase it for us.

    Du'a when forgetting to say Bismillah:
    Bismillahi awwalahuu wa aakhirahuu.
    In the name of Allah from the beginning until the end.

    Du'a when leaving home:
    Bismillahi tawakkaltu 'alallah laa haula walaa quwwata
    In the name of Allah, I depend on Allah, there is no power and might except from Allah.

    Du'a when reaching at home:
    Tauban tauban, lirabbinaa auban, laa yughaadiru 'alainaa huuban.
    We surrender before our Lord, surrender for our Lord, we bring back nor leave a single sin.

    These were those few duas, which are easy to remember and should be recited before or after the particular act.

    The beauty of islam is hidden and revealed both. Its beauty is hidden in its morals and values of life and its beauty if revealed when the followers of islam become practicing muslims.

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Duas for Daily Life

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Difficulties of Life

    Some says life is a gift others say life is a test while some think life is a fun. But one thing is common for everyone and that is life’s difficulties. Every young, old rich poor has to face the difficulties of life. Human life is not given to him for fun or just as a gift as per some points of views.

    It is a test and a responsibility for us. Life is a huge responsibility, bestowed on us by ALLAH swt, this is a test for us. Those who will pass this test will go to heaven while those who fail will definitely not enter heaven. Often this question struck human brains that why difficulties come to them. Why they face difficulties or made to face them. Why they cannot live happily without troubles. These questions are important but they are not valid when it comes to the purpose of human creation.

    ALLAH swt has not created us to play, enjoy and die but we are created to worship ALLAH. This is not understood by many of us and we put forth another question that if our only purpose is to worship ALLAH, what are angels doing then? We should know that ALLAH created us with “free will” which is given to humans only. This means we are free to choose and we are free in our decisions while angels are created only to worship without any free will. Thus it is very difficult for humans to achieve their purpose of life. Difficulties in life start when humans fail to achieve their purpose of life.

    Difficulties are not an alien thing but to tackle with them is important. With the remembrance of ALLAH all the time we can actually get enough courage to face the difficulties manly. But if we do not remember ALLAH and indulge ourselves into worldly matters, even a small trouble will become large for us. And if we remember ALLAH, HE will give us peace of mind and soul with which even huge mountains can be climbed easily.

    Difficulties in life are a part of it. They can be faced manly and they can be faced like a weak person. We are to choose what we can do.

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Difficulties of Life

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Using Social Media For Islamic Dawah

    Dawah i.e. preaching of islam is a continuous process which never stopped from the day ALLAH’s apostle Muhammad s.a.w.w was given prophet hood. Dawah majalis were held first in mosques and in personal gatherings. Then people started arranging dawah kajalis in their homes and in private gatherings. With the advancement of technology dawah was done on TV and then internet came where GOD fearing muslims started their dawwah activities.

    Internet has become most effective tool of communication because now a day’s computers have become tv as well. All the tv channels are now hosted on internet as well. Thus TV is losing its importance and computer is becoming work station as well as entertainment source. Many social networking websites are working successfully where millions of people are registered and log in daily. These social networking sites are actually created to gather people on one plat form for social and political to philosophical discussions.

    Muslims started dawah on such social websites too. The most used social websites in the world are orkut, facebook, twitter. On these websites they work of dawah is being done continuously. From common muslims to scholars, everyone has official pages and accounts where they can be accessed easily. For example, dr. zakir naik has his official community on orkut and his official page in also created and active on facebook and twitter as well.

    There are two points of views on doing dawah on social networking websites. One group says that it is not useful because on internet, people with lack of knowledge or half baked knowledge present islam very differently which makes rather wrong image of islam on non muslims. These internet scholars are actually a danger for islam and for the process of dawah.

    The other group says that dawah on these social websites is rather one of the most effective and useful tool because these social websites are hub of general public virtual meetings. To attract masses towards islam is easy on these social websites than by using websites. Since these websites are used daily, so muslims and non muslims, both get daily dose of dawah which ultimately is useful for the people.

    Dawah needs good and authentic knowledge and enthusiasm. Good and authentic knowledge may be not likely to be known by the internet scholars but their courage, enthusiasm and their good intentions must be appreciated. It is a good dawah tool which must be used by all those who have authentic and good knowledge of islam.

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Using Social Media For Islamic Dawah

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Tahajjud In Islam

    From among the voluntary worships, tahajjud is one. It is the prayer which is offered at last part of night. It is one of the most liked acts of worship of ALLAH swt. ALLAH swt has mentioned this worship in Quran as well. There are some verses and ahadith on this prayer given below.

    Allah[swt] says in the Qur'an:
    And during a part of the night, pray Tahajjud beyond what is incumbent on you; maybe your Rabb will raise you to a position of great glory (17:79)

    They used to sleep but little in the night. And in the early part of the morning they asked forgiveness. (51: 17-18)

    "The slaves of the Beneficent are they who walk upon the earth in humbleness, and when the ignorant address them, they say: 'Peace' and they who spend the night prostrating before their Lord and standing" (25: 63-64)
    1)It participates in undoing the knots which Shaytaan places at the top of ones head.
    Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said :
    "During your sleep, Satan knots three knots at the back of the head of each of you, and he breathes the following words at each knot, 'The night is, long, so keep on sleeping,' If that person wakes up and celebrates the praises of Allah, then one knot is undone, and when he performs ablution the second knot is undone, and when he prays, all the knot are undone, and he gets up in the morning lively and gay, otherwise he gets up dull and gloomy. "

    (Bukhari :: Book 4 :: Volume 54 :: Hadith 491)
    2) The most excellent prayer after the obligatory prayers.
    Abu Hurairah (radiallaahu anhu) said:
    The Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) said: The most excellent fasting after the month of Ramadan is fasting during the month of Allaah, Muharram, and the most excellent prayer after the obligatory prayers is the night prayer.
    (Reported by Muslim, Abu Daawood, at-Tirmidhee)
    3) The One who prays at night obtains a reward which most of mankind do not.
    Abdullaah bin Amr (radiallaahu anhu) said:
    The Prophet (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) said: “In Paradise there is a home whose outside can be seen from the inside and whose inside can be seen from the outside.” Abu Maalik al- Ash’aree said: Who is this for O Messenger of Allaah? He said: “It is for the one who makes his speech good and decent, who feeds others and spends the night in standing whilst others are sleeping.”
    Reported by al-Haakim who said: It is Saheeh with the conditions (of Bukhaari and Muslim).

    4)Gratitude is shown to Allaah with the (obligatory) prayer and night prayer
    Mugheerah ibn Shu’bah (radiallaahu anhu) said:
    The Prophet (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) stood until his feet became swollen. It was said to him: Has not Allaah forgiven all your sins, those past and those in the future? He (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) replied:“Should I not be a grateful servant?”
    Reported by Bukhaaree, Muslim and others
    5) A Special hour when Duas are accepted
    Jaabir (radiallaahu anhu) said:
    I heard the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) say: “Indeed, there is an hour during the night, no muslim asks Allaah for any good from among the affairs of the world or the Hereafter during it except that Allaah gives the very same to him, and this is every night.”
    Reported by Muslim

    6) Why Aren’t u jealous of them?
    Abdullaah bin Amr (radiallaahu anhu) said:
    The Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) said: “There is no jealousy except towards two: A man to whom Allaah has given the Qur’aan, so he stands (in prayer) with it during the night and during the day and a man to whom Allaah has given wealth so he spends it during the night and during the day. …
    Reported by Muslim
    7)The best way to perform the night prayer

    The best way to perform the night prayer is to pray two by two (rak'ahs), and to separate the two even rak'ahs of witr from the one rak'ah (i.e., not to join the three rak'ahs of witr). The evidence for this is the hadeeth of Ibn 'Umar (may Allaah be pleased with them both), who said: "The Prophet (Peace & Blessings of Allah be upon Him) used to perform the night prayers two by two (rak'ahs), then he would end with a single rak'ah."
    (Reported by al-Bukhaari, al-Fath, no. 940).
    8)The Best Couple
    Abu Hurairah (radiallaahu anhu) said:
    The Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) said: “May Allaah show mercy to a man who got up during the night and prayed and then woke his wife and if she refused, sprinkled water over her face and may Allaah show mercy to a woman who got up during the night and prayed and then woke up her husband and if he refused sprinkled water over his face.”
    (Reported by Abu Daawood)


    Abu Hurairah (radiallaahu anhu) and Abu Sa ’eed (radiallaahu anhu) both report that the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) said: “When a man wakes up his wife during the night and they both pray, or they pray two rakahs together, they are written amongst the men who remember Allaah often and the women who remember Allaah often.”
    (Reported by an-Nasaaee, Ibn Maajah)

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Tahajjud In Islam

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Pride and islam

    There are few personality traits which must never overcome the nature. From among those personality traits the most disliked is “pride”. Self pride was the reason for which satan became cursed. This was the reason for which jews became cursed and most disliked by ALLAH swt. It is the only reason which makes king, a bagger. In short, pride makes a person god of himself. ALLAH swt has condemned those who are proud.

    AL-Quran 21:019
    “Every living being in the heavens and on earth belongs to Him, and no one in His presence _ either out of pride or regret _ shies away from worshipping Him.”

    In the verse quoted above, ALLAH swt says that no matter what people do, even if they reject the oneness of ALLAH out of pride, they only worship Him. In every religion, people have an ultimate god, or greatest god, who cannot be seen like hindus believe in brahma, Christians believe in a god who has a son etc. even if they reject ALLAH swt, but they cannot reject their ideology of the un seen god which could not be seen.
    In another place ALLAH swt says that;

    AL-Quran 67:021
    “If He withholds His bounties from you, do you have anyone else who could grant you the provisions? The fact is, they hide behind their pride, and their (irrational) aversion (to the truth)!”

    Those, who are in doubt about the blessings they get, should think that what if their blessings are stopped? What will they do if everything which they have is snatched or destroyed what will they do?

    An important thing should be noted that these verses are not only for the rejecters of islam but for everyone who rejects signs of ALLAH in any form. Today, muslims have changed their ways. they curse their lives and fates when they fell into any trouble, they forget to supplicate an invoke ALLAH or even pay their thanks to ALLAH when they get some good news or are happy. When someone forgets ALLAH, it means he thinks he is self sufficient which means pride and arrogance.

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Pride and islam

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Keeping Balance In Rights of Mother and Wife

    Mother in law and daughter in law fights are very common in the subcontinent. Though the jealousy between Saas and bahu is apparent in every corner of the world but in subcontinent it is very common and almost an ignored issue. This is an issue which should not be avoided and should be given prime importance after marriage.

    This issue has two main aspects; mother and wife. Before getting her son married, mother should know that her son will have a responsibility is future which would be a must for him to take seriously. Mothers are most commonly found back biting about their daughter in laws and say that they have snatched their from them. They always feel uncomfortable from their daughter in laws and do not like their presence at home. They also do not like their life style they criticize how they walk, talk, eat, sleep and even sit. There are only concerned with their sons and believe to death that their daughter in law has arrived in their house with only purpose to kill them and break their house and relation with their sons.

    Daughter in laws, on the other hand believe that the only person who does not want to see them happy is their mother in law. She is the only person who does not want her to settle her life in her husband’s house and she does not want her to be beloved of her husband. She believes to death that her mother in law wants to remarry her son and she wants to break her marriage. She believes that her husband’s mother is an old aged lady who does not know what is going on in the world. Since she is old she is backward and her opinion is not credible.

    Both ladies even try the “black magic or some baba ji” on each other and waste hell lot of money on those non sense activities. Thus both these females act strangely and keep hatred in their hearts for each other. Who can bring peace in their lives?

    It is the son who can make these two ladies live happily and to love each other. Wife and mother both are huge responsibilities. Mother can never be treated harshly and wife must be treated nicely in order to keep life going well. What should the son do in this regard?

    He must be a good listener and he must listen to his wife and mother with attention. If his mother has problems with his wife, he should try to correct his wife and if his wife has problems with his mother, he can tell his mother in directly to correct herself. Son must not fight with wife or mother because of the other. He should act wisely. In the beginning, it is difficult to manage but with the passage of time, things get easy and wife and mother can controlled and love easily.

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Eid Ul Fitr Nasheeds 2011

    A Nice Video Collection of Eid Ul Fitr Nasheeds.

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Eid Ul Fitr Nasheeds 2011

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Qadiani Fitna

    Prophet Peace be upon him said I am afraid about my community of those leaders who will lead astray. When the sword is used among my people, it will not be withdrawn from them till the Day of Resurrection, and the Last Hour will not come before the tribes of my people attach themselves to the polytheists and tribes of my people worship idols.

    There will be among my people thirty great liars each of them asserting that he is (Allah's) prophet, whereas I am the Seal of the Prophets after whom (me) there will be no prophet; and a section of my people will continue to hold to the truth[/bue] - (according to Ibn 'Isa's version: (will continue to dominate) - the agreed version goes: "and will not be injured by those who oppose them, till Allah's command comes."(ABU DAWOOD, Book 30, Number 4239).

    The first of the claimants of prophet hood were muselma kazab and his wife, they were sent to jahanum by sahib r.a. there have came around in total 24 known people from all over the world who claimed prophet hood and challenged the prophethood of Muhammad s.a.w.w. one of these liars was mirza ghulam ahmed qadiyani. This cursed character was a born muslim and was student of fiqah. He was student of islam even then shaitan stuck his brain and he claimed prophet hood one day.

    There is unanimous consensus among qadiyani giants that mirza was incarnation of Muhammad s.a.w.w NAUDUBILLAH. Mirza was a mentally retarded person and he used to claim so many diseases that he is commonly known as mental hospital.

    Mirza married twice. His first wife and children rejected him while his second wife and children were all like him. The main reason for the claim of prophet hood of mirza was to please english men. He was working for those and in return they were giving him escort from the muslims. Though mirza’s followers reject any such claim but then there have been captured many letters of mirza to english govt. which exposed the true ugly face of mirza and his followers. Below are given some of the content from those letters.

    I have filled shelves with books which I wrote in praise of the British, especially about the abrogation of Jihad in which many Muslims believe. This is a big service to the Government. So I hope for an appropriate and good reward." (Tabligh-e-Risalat, Vol. 7, P. 19).

    From my early days till now that I am sixty years old, I have been engaged, with my pen and tongue, in the important task of turning the hearts of Muslims to faithful loyalty to the British Government and to create the feeling of goodwill and sympathy for the Government.........";(Kitab-ul-Barriyah, Roohani Khazain, Vol. 13, P. 350; Tabligh-e-Risalat, Vol. 7, P. 10; Letter to Lieutenant-Governor of Punjab, Feb. 24, 1898).

    It is binding upon the British Government to be aware of the services of the Qadianis by every care as their Imam (Mirza Ghulam Ahmad) spent twenty two years of his life preaching to the people that Jihad is Haraam (forbidden) and is strictly abrogated. (Review of Religion, No. 1, P. 2, 1902; by Maulvi Muhammad Ali)
    From the above mentioned content, there remains no doubt that mirza ghulam qadiyani was none other than a puppet set by the british govt. to keep muslims busy in their religious matters and to take advantage of the unrest which was created finally.

    Unfortunately, mirza could not be sent to hell by any believer but his death was another lesson for the followers of mirza who deny his death is bathroom. When mirza was challenged by a believer, he prayed that one of them if is a liar must fell ill and his prayer was accepted so early that he fell ill and finally died in his bathroom in the filth all over around him. Thus ALLAH showed who was liar.

    Mirza was such a mentally retard person that his wife used to mark his right and left shoes and even then he never could identify the right and left shoes. How could such a person be prophet? Mirza went to his mental degradation so much that he one day claimed even divinity. He also said that ALLAH has a son from him NAUDUBILLAH. He was such a filthy character man that till the final day, all of the muslims and whatever is in the heavens and earth and ALLAH’s curses will be upon him.

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Qadiani Fitna

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Muslim Matrimonial Sites are of no use

    Once there used to be marriage offices where every fake and true person would come with the lies and truths to marry. These marriage offices were created because with the passage of time, people made marriages mere business. Through this business the boy and his family can earn so much of furniture, gold and other house hold items without spending half of what they actually would have spent if they went to markets themselves.

    With the passage of time and the reality of such offices revealed, people then rejected these ideas and gave their attention to internet social and chat forums to find their life partners. In beginning, they used to be honest on the virtual world, but then again, human nature makes him to go forward in every good and bad, people also engaged themselves in lies and false stories about their riches and families. After some thousands of lies were revealed, some intelligent brains stood up and started websites to find the life partners. People now started registering into those sites and as always, in the beginning, everything went honestly but soon the dishonest and liars again emerged on the map and ruined these websites and their images as well.
    When Islamic websites were created, in the beginning they were only for dawah purposes and to attract people towards islam, but now we see almost every website has its marriage portal as well where only muslims can register.

    Though strict measures are taken to drive the liars and false profiles away from such portals but they are not much successful in their sincere efforts to marry the muslims. This is because people on internet are used to of face to face chat of open communication, but most of the Islamic marriage portals are strict in this matter. They only require information and that too true information and no face to face or open chats backed by them. Another reason for these portals to be idle is that only muslims register here with clear cut mind to marry. They do not like dating and all which has been introduced on internet long ago, so they do not attract many people towards them.

    Another important reason in the failure of these portals is that people do not trust internet in this matter anymore. There have been done so much on internet that people rather fear that they might fell into the wrong hands and they might ruin their lives if they believe a person on this virtual world.

    In short, even Islamic marriage websites are of no use. They can be made attractive and useful only when these website owners become active and assure people that they do it to please ALLAH rather than pleasing people. otherwise marriage is becoming a problem bigger and bigger day by day despite of so many places to find the better half.

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Muslim Matrimonial Sites are of no use

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Honesty in Business

    Honesty is needed in everything we do. From the domestic work of daily routine or office work to studies, honesty makes the real difference. Honesty makes it easy for us to survive because an honest person is truthful and such a person does not fell into any trouble. The sad fact of the present day is the lack of honesty in people. Lies, and dishonesty has become standard in everyday matters and it is a common perception that no one can get rid of them now.

    This point of view is wrong, why cannot we live like honest humans? If one thinks that honesty cannot be achieved or truthfulness is a dream now this is wrong, just by practicing islam truly in its true spirit we can achieve all this without devising any special plans or any complex system of morals.

    The world today is a big business hub, i.e. it is a business market now. There are some main stock exchanges that control the money inflow and out flow of the world for example, wall street etc. these stock exchanges are actually business centers where whole world trades. Unfortunately, with the jewish intervention in the business and introduction of riba in business, there has left no honesty and no halal money in the business any more.

    The best examples of the honesty in business are the prophets of islam. From Quran we learn that prophet yusuf a.s. used to look after the financial matters of the state as His own choice. The bestest example for muslims to follow is our beloved prophet Muhammad s.a.w.w who was not only sadiq and amin but also known as an honest business man. He was so honest that due to His honesty hazrat khadija r.a. who was one of the richest ladies of makkah, proposed Him.

    It is called that honesty is the best policy, indeed honesty is the best policy. When a business man is honest, he will never sell a low quality product and will never earn unjustified profit. Thus, an honest business man will be God fearing and will never ever dodge his customers over the selling.

    An honest business man will never like to go for unjust means to increase his earnings neither will he ever like to give bribes or accept bribes thus with honesty in business, the curses of bribery and riba can be shunned.
    Hazrat abu bakar siddique r.a was one of the best and honest business men of Arabia. He was very rich and his financial as well as moral help was appreciated by Muhammad s.a.w.w as well. He was much honored in his region because he was honest in business.

    There are several examples in the muslim world who did not only do business honestly but also earned much more than those who like to earn black money. In honest business ALLAH gives His blessings, thus honesty indeed is the best policy.

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Honesty in Business

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Great Muslim Scientists

    Science today has been made something alien which does not believe in religions and GOD and which means to rely on human brain and human reasoning and logic and nothing else. Science has been made such a thing that religions dislike it now. In other religions, science is called spirituality it is not related with human reasoning and understanding but it is restricted for those who are known as spirituals. Thus a common man is pushed away from learning the mysteries of the world.

    Islam is the only religion which did not restricts its followers to learn the knowledge of the world and to explore the world. In fact ALLAH swt says in Quran to explore the world and see what HE has put in here for us. islam does not restrict its followers to live and die in one place in ignorance rather it encourages us to go and visit the world to find the signs of ALLAH in everything. All that we call miracles of science today are actually signs of ALLAH. Quran said that humans are created from water, and science says humans are 70 percent water. Quran says that moon sun and stars and all that is on sky and in earth and beyond is following a predefined fixed path, we see after millions of the years have passed, neither sun changed its course nor moon nor anything else in the sky changed its course. Everything is moving in the same path and towards the same direction.

    It was the muslim scientists who were the pioneers is exploring the world. Their faith never shattered whenever they found something new but their faith grew strong in ALLAH when they found HIS signs in HIS creations.

    It was muslims, who were the expert geologists, chemists, physicists, philosophers, astronomers, engineers, doctors, builders, mathematicians etc. they became so expert in their fields that even today science thanks them for their achievements. No matter how much west wants to take credit of all what they have today, they cannot deny the role of muslim scientists and they cannot hide those rare books in their libraries which are written by the muslims and for which these people fight and even kill each other. There is a common story circled in the modern west that there was an arab muslim who knew how to covert metals into gold. This story has inspired many of these people to spend their lives in finding such thing which can convert everything into gold.

    This is special blessings on muslims that they can still feel proud over their scientists. No matter what happens, islam and science can never be separated. What is called discovery today are actually signs of ALLAH. There have passed many muslims with greatest achievements in science. Below is given a list of the muslim scientists which are few of the known personalities. (taken from Wikipedia and others).

    Astronomers and astrophysicists
    Khalid ibn Yazid (Calid)
    Jafar al-Sadiq
    Yaqūb ibn Tāriq
    Ibrahim al-Fazari
    Muhammad al-Fazari
    Al-Khwarizmi, mathematician
    Ja'far ibn Muhammad Abu Ma'shar al-Balkhi (Albumasar)
    Banū Mūsā (Ben Mousa)
    Ja'far Muhammad ibn Mūsā ibn Shākir
    Ahmad ibn Mūsā ibn Shākir
    Al-Hasan ibn Mūsā ibn Shākir
    Muhammad ibn Jābir al-Harrānī al-Battānī (Albatenius)
    Al-Farabi (Abunaser)
    Abd Al-Rahman Al Sufi
    Abu Sa'id Gorgani
    Kushyar ibn Labban
    Abū Ja'far al-Khāzin
    Abu Nasr Mansur
    Abū Sahl al-Qūhī (Kuhi)
    Abu-Mahmud al-Khujandi
    Abū al-Wafā' al-Būzjānī
    Ibn Yunus
    Ibn al-Haytham (Alhacen)
    Abū Rayhān al-Bīrūnī
    Abū Ishāq Ibrāhīm al-Zarqālī (Arzachel)
    Omar Khayyám
    Ibn Bajjah (Avempace)
    Ibn Tufail (Abubacer)
    Nur Ed-Din Al Betrugi (Alpetragius)
    Sharaf al-Dīn al-Tūsī
    Mo'ayyeduddin Urdi
    Nasir al-Din Tusi
    Qutb al-Din al-Shirazi
    Ibn al-Shatir
    Shams al-Dīn al-Samarqandī
    Jamshīd al-Kāshī
    Ulugh Beg, also a mathematician
    Taqi al-Din Muhammad ibn Ma'ruf, Ottoman astronomer
    Ahmad Nahavandi
    Haly Abenragel
    Abolfadl Harawi

    Kerim Kerimov, a founder of Soviet space program, a lead architect behind first human spaceflight (Vostok 1), and the lead architect of the first space stations (Salyut and Mir).

    Farouk El-Baz, a NASA scientist involved in the first Moon landings with the Apollo program.

    Sultan bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud.
    Muhammed Faris
    Abdul Ahad Mohmand
    Talgat Musabayev
    Anousheh Ansari
    Amir Ansari
    Sultana Nurun Nahar, specialist in atomic astrophysics and spectroscopy.

    Chemists and alchemists

    Khalid ibn Yazid (Calid)
    Jafar al-Sadiq
    Jābir ibn Hayyān (Geber), father of chemistry
    Abbas Ibn Firnas (Armen Firman)
    Al-Kindi (Alkindus)
    Ibn Miskawayh
    Abū Rayhān al-Bīrūnī
    Nasir al-Din Tusi
    Ibn Khaldun
    Salimuzzaman Siddiqui
    Al-Khwārizmī, Father of Al-Gabra, (Mathematics)
    Ahmed H. Zewail, Nobel Prize in Chemistry, 1999
    Mostafa El-Sayed
    Atta ur Rahman, leading scholar in the field of Natural Product Chemistry.

    Economists and social scientists

    Abu Hanifa an-Nu‘man (699-767), economist
    Abu Yusuf (731-798), economist
    Al-Farabi (Alpharabius) (873–950), economist
    Al-Saghani (d. 990), one of the earliest historians of science
    Shams al-Mo'ali Abol-hasan Ghaboos ibn Wushmgir (Qabus) (d. 1012), economist
    Abū Rayhān al-Bīrūnī (973-1048), considered the "first anthropologist"and father of Indology
    Ibn Sina (Avicenna) (980–1037), economist
    Ibn Miskawayh (b. 1030), economist
    Al-Ghazali (Algazel) (1058–1111), economist
    Al-Mawardi (1075–1158), economist
    Nasīr al-Dīn al-Tūsī (Tusi) (1201–1274), economist
    Ibn al-Nafis (1213–1288), sociologist
    Ibn Taymiyyah (1263–1328), economist
    Ibn Khaldun (1332–1406), forerunner of social sciences such as demography, cultural history, historiography,] philosophy of history, sociology and economics
    Al-Maqrizi (1364–1442), economist
    Akhtar Hameed Khan, Pakistani social scientist; pioneer of microcredit
    Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Prize winner Bangladeshi economist; pioneer of microfinance
    Mahbub ul Haq, Pakistani economist; developer of Human Development Index and founder of Human Development Report.

    Geographers and earth scientists

    Al-Masudi, the "Herodotus of the Arabs", and pioneer of historical geography
    Al-Kindi, pioneer of environmental science
    Ibn Al-Jazzar
    Ali ibn Ridwan
    Muhammad al-Idrisi, also a cartographer
    Ahmad ibn Fadlan
    Abū Rayhān al-Bīrūnī, father of geodesy, considered the first geologist and "first anthropologist
    Abd al-Latif al-Baghdadi
    Ibn al-Nafis
    Ibn Jubayr
    Ibn Battuta
    Ibn Khaldun
    Piri Reis
    Evliya Çelebi


    Al-Hajjāj ibn Yūsuf ibn Matar
    Khalid ibn Yazid (Calid)
    Muhammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī (Algorismi) - father of algebra and algorithms
    'Abd al-Hamīd ibn Turk
    Abū al-Hasan ibn Alī al-Qalasādī (1412–1482), pioneer of symbolic algebra
    Abū Kāmil Shujā ibn Aslam
    Al-Abbās ibn Said al-Jawharī
    Al-Kindi (Alkindus)
    Banū Mūsā (Ben Mousa)
    Ja'far Muhammad ibn Mūsā ibn Shākir
    Al-Hasan ibn Mūsā ibn Shākir
    Ahmed ibn Yusuf
    Muhammad ibn Jābir al-Harrānī al-Battānī (Albatenius)
    Al-Farabi (Abunaser)
    Abū Ja'far al-Khāzin
    Brethren of Purity
    Abu'l-Hasan al-Uqlidisi
    Abū Sahl al-Qūhī
    Abu-Mahmud al-Khujandi
    Abū al-Wafā' al-Būzjānī
    Ibn Sahl
    Ibn Yunus
    Abu Nasr Mansur
    Kushyar ibn Labban
    Ibn al-Haytham (Alhacen/Alhazen)
    Abū Rayhān al-Bīrūnī
    Ibn Tahir al-Baghdadi
    Abū Ishāq Ibrāhīm al-Zarqālī (Arzachel)
    Al-Mu'taman ibn Hud
    Omar Khayyám
    Ibn Bajjah (Avempace)
    Al-Ghazali (Algazel)
    Hunayn ibn Ishaq
    Ibn al-Banna'
    Ibn al-Shatir
    Ja'far ibn Muhammad Abu Ma'shar al-Balkhi (Albumasar)
    Jamshīd al-Kāshī
    Kamāl al-Dīn al-Fārisī
    Muḥyi al-Dīn al-Maghribī
    Maryam Mirzakhani
    Mo'ayyeduddin Urdi
    Muhammad Baqir Yazdi
    Nasir al-Din al-Tusi, 13th century Persian mathematician and philosopher
    Qāḍī Zāda al-Rūmī
    Qutb al-Din al-Shirazi
    Shams al-Dīn al-Samarqandī
    Sharaf al-Dīn al-Tūsī
    Taqi al-Din Muhammad ibn Ma'ruf
    Ulugh Beg
    Lotfi Asker Zadeh, Azerbaijanian computer scientist; founder of Fuzzy Mathematics and fuzzy set theory[25][26]
    Cumrun Vafa

    Biologists, neuroscientists, and psychologists

    Ibn Sirin (654–728), author of work on dreams and dream interpretation
    Al-Kindi (Alkindus), pioneer of psychotherapy and music therapy
    Ali ibn Sahl Rabban al-Tabari, pioneer of psychiatry, clinical psychiatry and clinical psychology
    Ahmed ibn Sahl al-Balkhi, pioneer of mental health, medical psychology, cognitive psychology, cognitive therapy, psychophysiology and psychosomatic medicine
    Al-Farabi (Alpharabius), pioneer of social psychology and consciousness studies
    Ali ibn Abbas al-Majusi (Haly Abbas), pioneer of neuroanatomy, neurobiology and neurophysiology
    Abu al-Qasim al-Zahrawi (Abulcasis), pioneer of neurosurgery
    Ibn al-Haytham (Alhazen), founder of experimental psychology, psychophysics, phenomenology and visual perception
    Abū Rayhān al-Bīrūnī, pioneer of reaction time]
    Avicenna (Ibn Sina), pioneer of neuropsychiatry, thought experiment, self-awareness and self-consciousness
    Ibn Zuhr (Avenzoar), pioneer of neurology and neuropharmacology
    Averroes, pioneer of Parkinson's disease
    Ibn Tufail, pioneer of tabula rasa and nature versus nurture
    Mir Sajad,Neuroscientist and pioneer in neuroinflammation and neurogenesis.

    Physicians and surgeons

    Khalid ibn Yazid (Calid)
    Jafar al-Sadiq
    Shapur ibn Sahl (d. 869), pioneer of pharmacy and pharmacopoeia
    Al-Kindi (Alkindus) (801-873), pioneer of pharmacology[42]
    Abbas Ibn Firnas (Armen Firman) (810-887)
    Al-Jahiz, pioneer of natural selection
    Ali ibn Sahl Rabban al-Tabari, pioneer of medical encyclopedia[29]
    Ahmed ibn Sahl al-Balkhi
    Ishaq bin Ali al-Rahwi (854–931), pioneer of peer review and medical peer review
    Al-Farabi (Alpharabius)
    Ibn Al-Jazzar (circa 898-980)
    Abul Hasan al-Tabari - physician
    Ali ibn Sahl Rabban al-Tabari - physician
    Ali ibn Abbas al-Majusi (d. 994), pioneer of obstetrics and perinatology[44]
    Abu Gaafar Amed ibn Ibrahim ibn abi Halid al-Gazzar (10th century), pioneer of dental restoration[45]
    Abu al-Qasim al-Zahrawi (Abulcasis) - father of modern surgery, and pioneer of neurosurgery,[33] craniotomy,[44] hematology[46] and dental surgery[47]
    Ibn al-Haytham (Alhacen), pioneer of eye surgery, visual system[48] and visual perception[49]
    Abū Rayhān al-Bīrūnī
    Avicenna (Ibn Sina) (980-1037) - father of modern medicine,[50] founder of Unani medicine,[46] pioneer of experimental medicine, evidence-based medicine, pharmaceutical sciences,clinical pharmacology,[51] aromatherapy,[52] pulsology and sphygmology,[53] and also a philosopher
    Hakim Syed Zillur Rahman, physician of Unani medicine
    Ibn Miskawayh
    Ibn Zuhr (Avenzoar) - father of experimental surgery, and pioneer of experimental anatomy, experimental physiology, human dissection, autopsy and tracheotomy
    Ibn Bajjah (Avempace)
    Ibn Tufail (Abubacer)
    Ibn al-Baitar
    Ibn Jazla
    Nasir al-Din Tusi
    Ibn al-Nafis (1213–1288), father of circulatory physiology, pioneer of circulatory anatomy, and founder of Nafisian anatomy, physiology, pulsology and sphygmology
    Ibn al-Quff (1233–1305), pioneer of embryology
    Kamāl al-Dīn al-Fārisī
    Ibn al-Khatib (1313–1374)
    Mansur ibn Ilyas
    Saghir Akhtar - pharmacist
    Syed Ziaur Rahman, pharmacologist
    Toffy Musivand
    Muhammad B. Yunus, the "father of our modern view of fibromyalgia"
    Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor, pioneer of biomedical research in space
    Hulusi Behçet, known for the discovery of Behçet's disease
    Ibrahim B. Syed - radiologist
    Mehmet Öz, cardiothoracic surgeon

    Physicists and engineers

    Jafar al-Sadiq, 8th century
    Banū Mūsā (Ben Mousa), 9th century
    Ja'far Muhammad ibn Mūsā ibn Shākir
    Ahmad ibn Mūsā ibn Shākir
    Al-Hasan ibn Mūsā ibn Shākir
    Abbas Ibn Firnas (Armen Firman), 9th century
    Al-Saghani, 10th century
    Abū Sahl al-Qūhī (Kuhi), 10th century
    Ibn Sahl, 10th century
    Ibn Yunus, 10th century
    Al-Karaji, 10th century
    Ibn al-Haytham (Alhacen), 11th century Iraqi scientist, father of optics,[63] pioneer of scientific method[64] and experimental physics,[65] considered the "first scientist"[66]
    Abū Rayhān al-Bīrūnī, 11th century, pioneer of experimental mechanics[67]
    Avicenna, 11th century
    Al-Khazini, 12th century
    Ibn Bajjah (Avempace), 12th century
    Hibat Allah Abu'l-Barakat al-Baghdaadi (Nathanel), 12th century
    Averroes, 12th century Andalusian mathematician, philosopher and medical expert
    Al-Jazari, 13th century civil engineer, father of robotics,[6]
    Nasir al-Din Tusi, 13th century
    Qutb al-Din al-Shirazi, 13th century
    Kamāl al-Dīn al-Fārisī, 13th century
    Ibn al-Shatir, 14th century
    Taqi al-Din Muhammad ibn Ma'ruf, 16th century
    Hezarfen Ahmet Celebi, 17th century
    Lagari Hasan Çelebi, 17th century
    Sake Dean Mahomet, 18th century
    Tipu Sultan, 18th century Indian mechanician
    Fazlur Khan, 20th century Bangladeshi mechanician
    Mahmoud Hessaby, 20th century Iranian physicist
    Ali Javan, 20th century Iranian physicist
    Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie, 20th century Indonesian aerospace engineer and president
    Abdul Kalam, Indian aeronautical engineer and nuclear scientist
    Mehran Kardar, Iranian theoretical physicist
    Cumrun Vafa, Iranian mathematical physicist
    Nima Arkani-Hamed, American-born Iranian physicist
    Abdel Nasser Tawfik, Egyptian-born German particle physicist
    Munir Nayfeh Palestinian-American particle physicist
    Riazuddin, Pakistani theoretical physicist
    Abdul Qadeer Khan, Pakistani nuclear scientist
    Ali Musharafa, Egyptian nuclear physicist
    Sameera Moussa, Egyptian nuclear physicist
    Munir Ahmad Khan, Father of Pakistan's nuclear program.

    Political scientists

    Syed Qutb
    Abul Ala Maududi
    Hasan al-Turabi
    Hassan al-Banna
    Mohamed Hassanein Heikal
    Necmettin Erbakan
    M. A. Muqtedar Khan

    Other scientists and inventors

    Azizul Haque
    Mohammad Sharif Chattar

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Great Muslim Scientists

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Eating With Right Hand and Sleeping On Right Side In Sunnah

    Eating With Right Hand In Sunnah of Our Beloved Prophet Muhammad PBUH.

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Eating With Right Hand and Sleeping On Right Side In Sunnah

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Eid Ul Fitr Cards 2011

    Preparations of Eid Ur Fitr 2011 are going on in every Muslim house. everyone is getting ready to celebrate this big day in a a different way. On Eid Muslims also congratulates each other and one of the way to congratulate is sending Online Cards.  Following we are sharing some Eid Ul Fitr Cards which you can send to your dear ones to congratulate them on Eid.

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Eid Ul Fitr Cards 2011

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Riya (Show off) Is Shirk

    Riya or show off is the most disliked act and attitude in islam. It is as if someone is deceiving himself and his Lord to please people and not his Lord.

    Those who do good deeds not to earn sawab but their primary purpose is to show off and to get the praise of people, such people will never get anything in return for their acts which looked pious in this world. ALLAH’s messenger s.a.w.w said;

    Bukhari Volume 1, Book 2, Number 25:
    Narrated Abu Huraira:

    “Allah's Apostle was asked, "What is the best deed?" He replied, "To believe in Allah and His Apostle (Muhammad). The questioner then asked, "What is the next (in goodness)? He replied, "To participate in Jihad (religious fighting) in Allah's Cause." The questioner again asked, "What is the next (in goodness)?" He replied, "To perform Hajj (Pilgrim age to Mecca) 'Mubrur, (which is accepted by Allah and is performed with the intention of seeking Allah's pleasure only and not to show off and without committing a sin and in accordance with the traditions of the Prophet)."”

    Thus, every good act which is done with good intentions will be counted as best deed and every action which was done to show the people and to gather their praise will be rejected. ALLAH swt said;

    Al-Quran 4:038
    “And (also) for those who flaunt (and flash), when they spend their wealth, in order to show off to the people. They do not believe in Allah or the Day of Judgment. Whoever has Shaitan as an intimate companion has indeed an evil companion!”

    ALLAH swt says that the sole purpose of these people is to show the world and they in real do not believe in neither ALLAH swt nor the last day. when one intends to do something so that his image in the society becomes good, he surely gets what he wanted but his act becomes riya which is already disliked by ALLAH swt.

    When a person does something good keeping in mind to please ALLAH swt, his act may not be noticed by people but he surely gathers loads of sawab for his hereafter.

    Just see the difference between these two persons. One who wants to earn praise of people does not know that he will be paying for his deeds and that the one he should concentrate on to please is ALLAH swt and not people because people will never save him from hell fire.

    But the one who does good deeds openly and hidden to only please ALLAH swt knows that whatever he has earned will be given to him with glad tidings of jannat.

    The one who wants worldly praise will do not hesitate to please people with his wrong acts and he will even like to cloth them the dress of religion while the one who fears ALLAH will condemn everything and will abstain from every act that might increase his image in this world, only because he knows he is being seen all the time and such person never forgets ALLAH’s presence.

    Instead of doing riya kari we should focus on to become GOD conscious.

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Riya (Show off) Is Shirk

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Investing money in way of ALLAH

    AL-Quran 35:029 “Surely, those who recite the book of GOD, observe the Contact Prayers (Salat), and from our provisions to them they spend - secretly and publicly - are engaged in an investment that never loses.”

    ALLAh swt has said on several places in Quran that when one spends in His way, he invests in his account of akhira. What one spends in this world is very little but what one will receive in hereafter will be huge. Those who spent 10 rupees here will receive 70 rupees in hereafter and those 70 rupees will be more than what we can actually imagine. Thus by investing in the way of ALLAH means to spend on poor people.

    Islam has devised a complete system to help poor and has made it an act of great reward for us. This system is the system of zakat. Zakat, is now paid as an obligation and mostly people pay it half heartedly as if they do not want to pay that money but are obligated or compelled to do that. After the wisal of Muhammad saww, hazrat abu bakar siddique r.a. spent his life in fighting those who refused to give zakat.

    Apart from zakat, the voluntary charity is so much appreciated in islam that ALLAH swt himself has given glad tidings to such people. The verse Quoted in the start of this article is the proof. Voluntary charity means feeling for poor people and feels the urge to help them. Islam has not restricted this help to muslims only but it encourages to help every person who is in need.

    Those who spend in ALLAH’s ways voluntarily, openly and hidden they actually fear ALLAH and feel the pan for others. Helping others means humanity. And we muslims are so blessed to have humanity as a basic part of our religion.

    Invest in the way of ALLAH as much as you can, do not hesitate to even give a date in HIS way. HE knows what you have spent keeping what in your heart i.e. your intentions.

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Investing money in way of ALLAH

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Hazrat Fatima R.A

    She was beloved daughter of Muhammad s.a.w.w. among the four daughters. Hazrat Fatimah r.a. was very near and dear to Him and even at the time of His death, prophet Muhammad s.a.w.w talked to Fatimah and told her that she will be the queen of the youth in paradise.

    Hazrat Fatimah r.a. was married to hazrat ali r.a. who was cousin of Muhammad s.a.w.w and was younger than Him. From hazrat ali r.a, hazrat Fatimah had two sons, Hassan r.a. and hussain r.a. these two grandsons of Muhammad s.a.w.w were beloved and very dear to Him.

    Muhammad s.a.w.w used to carry them on His shoulders. They used to jump onto his back when He s.a.w.w used to offer namaz and go for sadja. But Muhammad s.a.w.w never talked even a slightest harsh to them and always treated them with love.

    Hazrat Fatima r.a died when she was pregnant. She was dragged out of her house by the enemies of islam and she received serious injury and died. Hazrat Fatimah r.a. was a pious muslimah who spent her entire life practicing islam in its true spirit.

    There is one group who take Fatimah r.a. as their pious and precious “deity”. these people consider her masoom i.e. the one infallible and count her death as a murder done by sunni muslims. In reality, these were the same people who sowed the seed of hatred among muslims and they were the one who killed Fatimah r.a. and also hazrat ali r.a.they were the same people who killed hazrat hussain r.a. and now they are found wailing and crying which is also a sin.

    The linage of prophet Muhammad s.a.w.w has continued from the children of his daughters s.a.w.w. it is said that the promised mehdi will be from the pure linage of Muhammad s.a.w.w. this claim has always made the shia people happy because they think that they are the true followers and keepers of the linage of the family of Muhammad s.a.w.w. they are in delusion which will certainly be broken when imam mehdi will come.
    Hazrat Fatima r.a was a significant personality of islam. She was pious and was mother of the pious kids who will be the leaders of youth (young boys) in jannat and she was the wife of the pious man who was forth rightly guided khalifah of islam. May ALLH be pleased with all of them.

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Hazrat Fatima R.A

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Keep an eye what your children Watch on TV and internet

    TV and internet has changed the life style of all of us. The time which we used to spend once, with friends in social gatherings and with parents and family is now spent on TV or internet. For children separate cartoon channels have been introduced and for them online games and cartoons are also available.

    So, once if you wanted to play a game you would install it in your computer but now every game is available online and no hard disk space or cds are required any more.

    But with the advancement of time and age and ease of access, society is going morally degraded instead of taking positive advantage of the technology. The most affected and targeted class is none other than our kids. There are some evil brains who have devised special plans to control the minds of the coming generation of the world so that they can prepare special breed of humans who can protect their interests and continue their values.

    The most prominent figure in promoting evil in the minds of the children is walt Disney. Walt Disney is producing and presenting cartoon movies and other movies for children from so many decades now. But it also has subliminal messages in its movies and cartoons. It especially infuses sex-related content in its movies and presentations keeping in mind the mental capability of kids. We should know that what kids think we do not think. What they see we do not see. Small and negligible things and events and scenes which are not noticed by parents are not only noticed by children but they also hide their feelings from their parents and elders.

    The new cartoon programs are designed such that they promote godlessness. They present powerful characters who are either aliens or humans and capable of doing anything. They promote those characters as all powerful. These are seen as harmless by parents and elders but in real, they are extremely very harmful because they are taking your kids away from ALLAH and islam.

    The third thing which every elder should know is that apart from all the other stuff promoted by these cartoon programs, kids are also been taught that love affairs and having a girl or boy at their side is not a sin but necessity of life. Thus, kids who are not even 12 years old know what it means to have a girl friend or boy friend. Kids are also been brain washed about life. They only know that life means to dance sing and have fun. Thus, kids are been destroyed totally which means the coming generation of this world is been prepared to serve satan freely without fear of GOD.

    We know that parents have become more careful about their kids and they do not let them use internet or TV freely. But they are ignorant about these tactics of media and those organizations who target kids only. And their sole purpose is to destroy the next generation and through them, their main target is to destroy religions and destroy moral values of society. Therefore, watch carefully your kids, what they are watching and what they are storing in their innocent brains.

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Keep an eye what your children Watch on TV and internet

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Beard In Islam

    Beard is sunnah i.e. beard was kept by our prophet Muhammad s.a.w.w and so for every true muslim beard should be a must. Though there are difference of opinion on this matter as if beard is fard, wajid, mustahab or simply it will not earn any sin of a person does not want to keep it.

    Before going in details, first look at the time of jahiliya. There were three religions in Arabia paganism, christanity and Judaism. Pagans were totally different from pagan arabs in life style and also in their appearance and looks. Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.w was given the divine guidance which was also given to the prophets of people of books before Him. So Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.w used to feel himself closer to the people of book than the pagans.

    Muhammad s.a.w.w kept beard and it is also said that every prophet kept beard because with beard, the outlook of person changes altogether. beard bring a decency on face which cannot be achieved on the face without beard. Above all, to follow sunnah is what we should do as ALLAH swt said in several places in Quran to “obey ALLAH and obey Messenger”.

    Most people argue that since beard is a personal matter to them they should be the people to choose whether to keep it or not. Being muslims we should know that everything done by our beloved prophet was never out of purpose. Beard is the unique identity of muslims. Someone might come up with the argument that non muslims also keep beard but, they actually do not keep the beard prescribed in islam. Islam says to keep a specific length beard without mustache. Mustache is not very mush likd but it is also not disliked if kept very small. Long hair of mustache makes the food and drink makrooh.

    There are several ahadith regarding keeping beard. Below are given few of them to give weight to the article so that people do not reject the idea of keeping beard as useless and as “personal choice”.

    Bukhair Volume 7, Book 72, Number 780:
    Narrated Nafi':
    “Ibn Umar said, The Prophet said, 'Do the opposite of what the pagans do. Keep the beards and cut the moustaches short.' Whenever Ibn 'Umar performed the Hajj or 'Umra, he used to hold his beard with his hand and cut whatever moustaches. Ibn Umar used to cut his moustache so short that the whiteness of his skin (above the upper lip) was visible, and he used to cut (the hair) between his moustaches and his beard.”
    Thus, beloved prophet s.a.w.w told us to do opposite to what pagans used to do. Today beard is a symbol of fear and hate against muslims only because it is identity of muslims and not just fashion.

    If women are told to wear veil or atleast be like muslim women why cannot men be told to keep beard so that at least they look like muslims. People with beard are mocked a lot as mullahs, movlis and blah blah, just because they keep beard. He modern trend has encouraged people to call the beard people terrorists as well. Muslims also happily mock their fellow muslims who keep beard.

    If one keeps beard by his own will, he will never cut it or never feel achamed of it, but if one keeps beard because he is obligated or his outlook must be like it, he will certainly get nothing because his intention was never to follow sunnah but only to show the world.

    The modern day example of the person who kept beard as following sunnah and as per his own will is dr. dr. zakir naik kept hs beard despite of the thin hair on his face. He says that he does not feel shy or bad about his outlook because his outlooks give him title of muslim.

    What is bad in having a muslim outlook? Will these fashions and all save us from hell fire or following islam will do that? The decision in still in our hands if we really want to be good muslims. For good muslims their personal whims and desires get the second priority and divine order gets the first.

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Beard In Islam

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Dr Zakir Naik Doing Umrah 2011

    Famous Islamic Scholar Dr Zakir Naik Doing Umrah with his son Fariq Naik. This Photo is taken recently.

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Dr Zakir Naik New Interview August 2011

    Famous Islamic Scholar From India Dr Zakir Naik New Interview August 2011 taken by a Private TV Channel.

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Visiting the Sick In Islam

    Health and illness are two alternates which every human sees in his life. Some people fell ill too much and some people fell ill with larger intervals. Islam says that when a person fells ill, his sins are removed according to the pain he suffers. Even if he suffers the pain caused to him by slight pinch, his sins will be removed. Thus even when we fell ill, we can earn sawab.

    When someone fells ill, he gets weak and sensitive and in this state such a person needs attention more than in his normal life. This is why the system of morals in islam tells us that we should visit the sick. When a sick person sees his relatives and friends around him, half of his illness goes away. This is the system of brotherhood in islam that encourages us to not leave our brothers at any time.

    Our beloved prophet Muhammad s.a.w.w used to visit sick people and they used to take care of them to show them that He was with them in their illness. Thus Muhammad s.a.w.w established a very beautiful sunnah for us so that muslim community remains solid and connected as well as muslims could leave a good impact on non muslims too by visitng them and being polite with them.

    When one thinks about his brother in islam and shows his concern or takes time for his friend or brother, this is the liked very much by ALLAH swt. Because to take care of our brothers and to help them and to be with them in the time of need means that we are fulfilling the duty of haqooq ul ibad i.e the rights of the people. Life of Muhammad s.a.w.w is full of such encouraging events when He s.a.w.w even showed his concern about non muslims in their time of need and lonliness.  Below is given one such incident from ibn-hibban
    The learned Companion, Anas b. Malik, also related the following episode from the life of God’s Final Prophet to humanity:

    “A Jewish boy who would serve the Prophet fell sick, so the Prophet said: ‘Let us go and visit him.’  They (the Prophet and his illustrious Companions) went to visit him and found his father sitting by his head.  The Messenger of God said:‘Proclaim that there is no true deity worthy of being worshipped except God alone, and I will intercede on your behalf on account of it on the Day of Resurrection.’  The boy looked at his father and the father said: ‘Obey Abul-Qasim (Muhammad)!’  So the boy uttered: ‘There is no true deity worthy of being worshipped except God alone, and Muhammad is the last Messenger.’  The Messenger of God then said: ‘All praise is due to God Who saved him from the Fire of Hell.’”

    From the above mentioned hadith, we see that even with non muslims, Muhammad s.a.ww showed mercy and concern. Being His ummah, we should also be open hearted for everyone because islam does not teaches us to restrict ourselves to muslims only like jews (jews do not mingle and share their knowledge and their religion with others as being proud of their glorious past).

    Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.w said;
    Muslim Book 026, Number 5378:
    Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: Five are the rights of a Muslim over his brother: responding to salutation, saying Yarhamuk Allah when anybody sneezes and says al-Hamdulillah, visiting the sick. following the bier. ' Abd al-Razzaq said that this hadith has been transmitted as mursal hadith from Zuhri and he then substantiated it on the authority of Ibn Musayyib.

    thus,  it is a right of our muslim brother over us that we should visit him when he falls ill. This gesture shows the mututal love and respect among the people. and f we note carefully in our society, we do not see such brotherhood and respect for others. Today, when a person dies, only his family feels the pain, others merely like to visit the family as a formality. That mutual love which was the crown attribute of muslims has now gone from us. This is why there is left no pain and no mercy in our hearts for others.

    A hadith in sahi muslim narrates an incident which should serve as a best example for us to open our eyes and change ourselves;

    Mulim Book 032, Number 6226:
    “Abu Huraira reported Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) as saying: A person visited his brother in another town and Allah deputed an Angel to wait for him on his way and when he came to him he said: Where do you intend to go? He said: I intend to go to my brother in this town. He said: Have you done any favour to him (the repayment of which you intend to get)? He said: No, excepting this that I love Mm for the sake of Allah, the Exalted and Glorious. Thereupon he said: I am a meesenger to you from, Allah: (to inform you) that Allah loves you as you love him (for His sake) This hadith has been narrated on the authority of Hammid b. Salama with the same of transmitters.”

    This hadith shows that ALLAH swt loves those who love others for the sake of Him i.e. who fear ALLAH show their deep and sincere concerns for others.

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Visiting the Sick In Islam

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Is Women Really Free In Western Society?

    The feminist west despite of its modern values and educated class, still lacks the rights of women. No matter what women claim to have when they live in western societies, they do not define their independence like the women of islam does. Here, we will not compare the two, but will only highlight those specific points which west tries to hide but they are prominent in their society and is a slap for them.

    In the name of freedom of rights for women, the first thing which entered in western society was the breakdown of the family life. Before feminism struck west, women were bound in the families which were at least something good in that society. But when women stood up for their rights, and fought for their rights under “sisterhood”, the first thing they lost was their family life. They started living like men, and thus moved to other places.

    The other evil that found its way in the “free women” society was the safety of women which is nowhere in west now. The attacks on women outnumbered and broke the previous records. Murders and rapes started to increase with every passing day thus women in a free society became an easy pray for evil doers.
    In a survey it was revealed that the serial killers killed the ladies the most because they were easy prey for them. This caused the feminist society to panic more and more but nothing could stop the mentally retarded people to attack women.

    Women reported the rape assaults more than ever before when they won their independence. And the world power i.e. USA tops the chart in the rapes and rape assaults on women in the world. These figures and very high in western societies where women claim to live freely without hold of men.

    The degradation of western society touched the extreme when another alarming survey should that in west no girl of 13 years of age remains virgin. This shows that women won their desired freedom at the cost of their grace and honor. And the girls who are just 13 years old learn what is not known to muslim girls before they get married.

    The prostitution has risen in west as a job called “s** work” and these women are now given social rights because if they are selling themselves they do it as free humans. Once this was a right and now this is a curse because girls find it an easy way to earn more money. In this greed most women who die in west are prostitutes. Most mothers do not know who the father of their children is. Most children do not know how many men their mother married. While the working women exceed all limits to get bonuses and promotions by selling themselves free of cost. Their husbands use them as a pleasing tool for their bosses and they gladly raise the children who are not theirs.

    Family linage is a dream in west because there are no families left except some royal families who do not like to “pollute” their blood lines.

    In the name of freedom, western women lost their grace their dignity and the right to live. If they raise fingers at muslim women, they should know that muslim women lead a happy and safe life inside their houses where they do not have to use themselves for other men but they raise their own children whose fathers and known to them.

    West has lost its dignity at the hands of a handful of its women.

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Is Women Really Free In Western Society?

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Hazrat Usman R.A

    The third khalifa of islam was hazrat usman ghani r.a. he was a very rich person and never hesitated to spend his wealth and time for islam. Before he accepted islam, he used to wear costly clothes but as soon as he accepted islam he changed his life style altogether and remain simple throughout his life. Hazrat usman r.a. accepted islam by the dawah of hazrat abu bakar siddique r.a and became one of the early muslims.

    Usman ghani r.a. was from those few men of makkah who could read and write. When he grew up, he started his business of clothes which made him very rich. It is said that he was very kind heart person and was of very nice nature. He never hesitated to help others when he saw them in trouble. Hazrat usman r.a. belonged to banu umayah while Muhammad s.a.w.w belonged to banu hashim. At the time of advent of islam, banu umayah was in power, but even than usman r.a. accepted islam, this invited great troubles form him and his uncle hakam even punshied him and troubled him severly.

    Hazrat Muhammad s.a.w.w married his two daughters with usman r.a. and He once said that if He had another daughter He would have chose usman r.a. for her. This shows that usman r.a. was not only a good muslim but he was also a very good husband this is why even prophet Muhammad s.a.w.w liked him.
    When muslims fought first battle of badar, hazrat usman could not participate in that gazwa because his wife hazrat ruqaya r.a. (daughter of Muhammad saww) was severly ill and she died before muslims came back. But Muhammad s.a.w.w gave him glad tidings that he received same award as if he fought in ghazwa. He was then married to ume kulthum , daughter of Muhammad saw and thus usman r.a was given title of “zul nurain” (the man with two lights).

    Hazrat usman ghani r.a. was the first person to migrate for ALLAH to abisiniya when muslims were living hard life in makkah after he was granted permission by Muhammad s.a.w.w. he came back after two months when he was wrongly informed about the quraish accepted islam. He again migrated to madinah with other muslims.
    Hazrat usman ghani r.a. was sent to mecca for negotiations at treaty of hudebiya. But soon the false news of his murder was aired which made muslims very said and they sought allegiance with Muhammad s.a.w.w under a tree which is mentioned in Quran and called bait-e rizwan. Muhammad s.a.w.w placed His second hand on behalf of usman r.a to mark his presence.

    In the time of his khilafat, as Muhammad s.a.w.w predicted, muslims became so prosper that usman r.a. used to walk with zakat in his hand to find a poor to pay him his share. Thus in his time, muslims became very rich and financially very strong. But there were enemies hidden to murder usman r.a. who were not happy with his caliphate. It was during his caliphate that muslims invaded afriqah and asia and won Afghanistan and took it under the control of muslims. He remained successful in all his invasions and took the area under his control even by fighting with romans.

    Hazrat usman r.a. was killed by some hypocrites who were not happy with his caliphate ship and this was predicted by Muhammad s.a.w.w that once if the sword shines among muslims against each other, it will never stop. In this fear hazrat usman r.a. remained lenient and tried his best to resolve issues without fight, but finally his enemies besieged his home and murdered him which was un just and totally wrong. His martyrdom was for islam. He was a pious muslim who was killed by those whom we know today as shias. These people firther sowed seeds of hatred among muslims in the tiem of hazrat ali r.a. and proved to be the worst people on earth.

    The nobility, piousness and kindness of usman r.a. cannot be challenged and questioned. He was a brave warrior of islam who ultimately got martyrdom. May ALLAH grant him the place in the highest heaven and be pleased with him. Amin.

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Hazrat Usman R.A

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Eid Ul Fitr in Pakistan

    The two days of joy and gratefulness given to muslims by ALLAH swt are the two eids. The first eid comes after Ramadan on first of shawal. This eid is called eid-ul-fitr. In Indian sub continent, it is also called mithee eid because people cook sweet dishes and distributes sweets as a mark of celebration. This day is celebrated as a gift from ALLAH swt in response to the fasts of Ramadan. It surely is a gift of ALLAH to rejoice and to be happy and to be grateful of HIM.

    In Pakistan, this eid comes with little surprise and with little difference from the rest of the world. Only Pakistan is that muslim country found on the map when, one part of country celebrates eid one day before the other part of the country. This conflict has risen by some conservative people who want to celebrate their eid with Saudi Arabia. They do not think that Saudi Arabia is in Africa where the movement of sun and moon are different from asia. Thus the moon which is sighted there cannot be seen here. But the conservative, closed brain people gather the “sahadah” of moon sighting and celebrate eid. This happens in kpk province of Pakistan while the rest of Pakistan celebrates eid according to the moon sighting.

    This shows the great disuntity between muslims of Pakistan and shows that people still like to live in the stone age which was not liked even by islam. Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.w said that sight the moon and start fasting and sight the moon and celebrate eid. But some people try to conclude that whole muslim ummah should celebrate eid one day which is not possible. If it was so, Muhammad s.a.w.w whoul never have especially said to sight the moon first.

    Anyway, apart from this issue, eid is celebrated with joy and this day becomes memorable. Relatives and friends meet and enjoy each other’s company. Parties are arranged. The actual eid is celebrated by kids when they demand eidi from their elders. They spend their eidi with their own wishes without the fear of their mothers who otherwise do not let them spend money this openly. Muslims wear new clothes or at least the best clothes and cook something special as well. Kids wear new clothes and then they shyly show their cloths to their elders and then play and enjoy.

    No matter which part of world you live, when it comes to celebrate eid, every muslim enjoys it and this is that day when for time being we forget all our worries and smile. We should smile and celebrate eid because it is a gift for us from ALLAH swt as a reward for our fasts.

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