Wahdatul Wujood and Islam

    Where is the creator of heavens and earth residing? The answer is written in the book of ALLAH the holy Quran about the istawa of ALLAH swt. But then, there is a class of people both Muslims and non Muslims, who propagate and believe in the idea of wahdatul wajood, which means that ALLAH is everywhere inside every living being. This point of view is a sheer contradiction to Quran and does not match the majesty of ALLAH swt. A creator cannot be part of creation because if it is so, then the majesty and the honor of creator cannot is nowhere.

    To understand the status of ALLAH swt we will first describe those sufis who propagated the ideology of wahadatul wajoodiat. According to them everything is god. They based their metaphysical religion on this theory and their thoughts and teachings revolve around this ideology.

    The wajoodi sufis (wahdatul wajood propagators) taught the lessons of love, peace humanity and oneness leaving all the disagreements and disputes behind because that’s all an illusion. The peace and humanity can bring the scattered pieces of the one closer and finally can merge in the end.

    But Quran has a very clear saying in this matter.

    Where is ALLAH? Holy Quran says: 20:5
    “The Most Gracious Rose (Istawa) above the Throne”
    And another verse describes the same in these words

    Holy Quran: 57:4
    “He it is Who created the heavens and the earth in six Days and then rose (Istawa) over the Throne”
    So these verses of Holy Quran explains the status and place of ALLAH swt which is totally opposite to what the wajoodi sufis think. In another place, ALLAH swt says that:

    Holy Quran: 16: 50

    “They fear their Lord above them, and they do what they are commanded”
    This verse of Quran speaks about the lord i.e. ALLAH swt who is ABOVE us, not inside our hearts as claimed by the wajoodi sufia and their followers. When Quran itself is explaining the majesty of ALLAH swt and Quran itself is the  witness of the status of ALLAH swt then how can those sufis and people who call themselves Muslims, can go against Quran?

    In another place ALLAH swt says that the Ruh (jibrael a.s) and the angels ascend to ALLAH swt. Let us see the verse first.

    Holy Quran: 70:3-4

    “From Allâh, the Lord of the ways of ascent. The angels and the Rûh ascend to Him in a Day the measure whereof is fifty thousand years.”

    This verse uses the word “ascend” which means to raise, to go up or to climb. So the verse makes it clear furthermore that the position of ALLAH swt is not in our hearts like the sufis preached and have preached but the status of ALLAH swt is distinct from HIS creation.

    In another verse OF HOLY Quran, ALLAH swt describes HIS presence OVER us in these words;
    Holy Quran: 67:16
    “Do you feel secure that He, Who is over the heaven, will not cause the earth to sink with you, and then it should quake? “

    This verse of Quran describes the presence of ALLAH swt over us, not another place bears HIS presence as described by many wajoodi scholars.

    But this is right to say that ALLAH swt looks over us and HE knows what we are doing because He is our creator. In the following verses, ALLAH swt has described this thing very beautifully.

    Holy Quran: 67: 13-14
     “And whether you keep your talk secret or disclose it, verily, He is the All-Knower of what is in the breasts (of men). Should not He Who has created know? And He is the Most Kind and Courteous (to His slaves) All-Aware (of everything).”

    First verse says that ALLAH swt knows whatever secrets people keep in their heart because HE is the knower of all since everything is created by HIS order and HIS wish.  Second verse testifies it by asking that how come a creator remain unaware of HIS creation when everything is ready to change itself with HIS one command.

    Hence with this brief comparative study, one can easily reject the wajoodi theory because it is totally contradicting to Quran and one can never be a Muslim if he rejects the Quran.

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Wahdatul Wujood and Islam

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Islamic Point of View On Women Visit To Graves

    Graveyard is termed as the place of peace and to get a lesson from those who were once alive and are now dead and are buried under tons of soul, alone in darkness.

    But there are many people, who think and even give evidences from hadtih that for men it is allowed to visit graves, but for women it is not allowed, in fact those women who visit graves are cursed. But there are mixed views about it. Many scholars and sects say that there are few scholars who permitted women to visit graves, and there are few who said it is makrooh, but there are also evidences from hadith that make women visiting graves permissible.

    Before going into detail, we first see those ahadith and narrations that have relevant content regarding this issue.

    Abdullah ibn Abee Mulaykah said, “One day when ‘Aa’ishah came from the graveyard, I asked her: O Mother of the Believers, where are you coming from? She replied: From the grave of ‘Abdur-Rahmaan ibn Abee Bakr. So I asked her: Didn’t Allaah’s Messenger (saw) forbid [women from] visiting graves? She replied: Yes. Then he instructed that they be visited.” (Al-Mustadrak, 1: 376 and Sunan al-Bayhaqee, 4: 78 Shaykh al-Bani authenticated in Ahkaam al-Janaa’iz, p. 181.)

    A hadith of sahih Muslim says;
     A narration recorded by Imaam Muslim in his Sahih on the authority of Sayyiduna Abdullah ibn Mas'ood (Radhiallaahu Anhu) that Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) mentioned, 'I had prevented you from visiting the grave, (as of now) you all should visit it for it reminds one of the Aakhirat.' (Sahih Muslim)
    These are the two evidences which approve the visiting of graveyards of females. But there are also some scholars who do not go by this point of view and use the following hadith as their evidence;

    Imam Tirmidhi (RA) has recorded a Hadith of Sayyiduna Abu Hurayra (Radhiallaahu Anhu) that Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) has mentioned, 'May Allah Ta'ala curse women who visits the graves.' Imaam Tirmidhi has graded this Hadith as Sahih - authentic (Sunan Tirmidhi vol.1 pg.203)

     A similar narration is recorded by Imaam Abu Dawud on the authority of Sayyiduna Abdullah ibn Abbaas (Radhiallaahu Anhu).

    Therefore the ummah is divided on this issue, as if women can visit graves or not. But if we go by the ahadith mentions above, and the incident of amul mominin hazrat aisha (RA), we can say with utmost surety that it is absolutely permissible for women to visit graves. But to wail and cry out loud is not the right thing to do because it is prohibited by MUHAMMAD s.a.w.w.

    Also for women to visit graves alone is also not liked because there could be some danger hidden inside the grave yard since grave yards are lone places so it is better for them to go there with other people. it is also not permissible to recite Quran on grave or to recite naat or any other thing on graves since nothing of that sort has been proven from the ahadith or quran.

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The Prophet Hood of Muhammad (S.A.W.W) and Quran

    There are many non Muslims, we see abusing and making hurtful remarks for MUHAMMAD S.A.W.W the last messenger of ALLAH (swt). They argue over the prophet hood of MUHAMMAD s.a.w.w by saying that Islam is a false religion and MUHAMMAD s.a.w.w. wrote the book of Islam i.e. Quran himself. They go to the extent by calling Islam a fake religion and MUHAMMAD s.a.w.w a liar (na’uzubillah).

    But the thing is, if the prophet hood of MUHAMMAD s.a.w.w is proven to be wrong or false then the religion of Islam will be proven as false, which is not true. To prove it right and genuine, we have Quran and Sunnah as evidence but there are many non Muslims out there who will reject them at once.

    There is a better way to answer them and that is from their own fellows, who did not only accepted Islam as a true religion but also accepted and testified that Quran is not written by MUHAMMAD s.a.w.w and His prophet hood is also true.

    Michael Hart wrote a book about 100 most influential persons in history and the first person in his ranking was MUHAMMAD S.A.W.W. he gave this position to MUHAMMAD s.a.w.w by saying that HE was the only person who got huge support and success in the religion and in world. (His views can be found in his book, page no. 3).

    This shows that even non Muslims recognized, being unbiased, of course) that MUHAMMAD s.a.w.w got the success and the fellow ship as well as followers like no other man in the history, and this is very true, we can see that today Islam is the biggest religion with respect to its followers (1.4 billion). So we have this strong remark with us to show to those non Muslims who do not like to hear the Quranic or Islamic perspective.
    Then the other allegation comes from the non Muslims that Quran was written by MUHAMMAS s.a.w.w himself. Quran speaks about it but non Muslims do not pay heed to what Quran says but they only consider what their heart or mind says or they follow their priests for that matter.

    ALLAH swt says in Holy Quran 17:106
     "And (it is) a Quran which I have divided into parts in order that you (Muhammad) may recite it to the people gradually, and I have revealed it by successive revelation."

    MUHAMMAD s.a.w.w could not read or write because HE was illiterate. How could a person, who did not know how to read and write, write such a text which is termed as perfect and flawless and the only work of perfection in literature?

    "Do they not consider (ponder) on the Quran? If it had been from anyone except Allah, they would surely have found in it much discrepancy (contradictions)."
    in another verse ALLAH swt says:

    Holy Quran says in 29:48
    “Neither did you (O Muhammad SAW) read any book before it (this Qur'an), nor did you write any book (whatsoever) with your right hand. In that case, indeed, the followers of falsehood might have doubted.”
     In the same verse, ALLAH swt has said the reason why MUHAMMAD s.a.w.w did not know the reading or writing when HE was given prophet hood, that if HE s.a.w.w was a scholar like few pagans of Makkah, they would have accused HIM s.a.w.w for writing the book down, but since they could not allege MUHAMMAD s.a.w.w for this, they started calling HIM magician and the Quran, the book of magic. Holy Quran describes this as in the following words;
    “When our clear signs are rehearsed to them, they say, this is only a man who wishes to hinder you from the (worship) which your fathers practiced." and they say, this is only a falsehood invented!" and the unbelievers say of the truth when it comes to them, this is nothing but evident magic!

    So, Quran speaks about the origin and influence of this holy book, but surely non Muslims have their doubts, and to counter those doubts we can present the comments of those non Muslim scholars who spent their lives in literatures and came up with the result that QURAN is nothing but a divine source of knowledge and no human hand can write such a deep and perfect literature.

    F.F. Arbuthnot in his book, the construction of the bible and the Quran, said that the halt poetry and half prose of Quranic text is so perfect that several attempts have been made to copy this text but no one has succeeded to date.

    Similarly, H.A.R. Gibb, in his book Islam- a historical survey has challenged those people who reject the authenticity of  Quran by saying that if they are so sure that Quran is a man made work then they should produce 10 verses like it. And then he, being very sure, says that they cannot do so, so they should accept this as an evident miracle.

    So, even in the eyes of non Muslim scholars, Quran is not only a perfect text without any errors but also a miracle and they also are found challenging the anti-Muslim lobby to produce any work like Quran to challenge the status and the excellence of Quran. ALLAH swt has protected the status of MUHAMMAD s.a.w.w  and HIS revealed book in the following verse with the word;

    Holy Quran says: 36:69

    “And We have not taught him poetry, nor is it meet for him; it is nothing but a reminder and a plain Quran. “

    May ALLAH guide us and protect us from the falsehood, amin.

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The Prophet Hood of Muhammad (S.A.W.W) and Quran

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Obey Those who are Authority In Islam

    We know we have to obey ALLAH swt and HIS messenger s.a.w.w in all matters of life without asking any question because whatever we are told to do it is for our good and whatever we are told to avoid is also for our own good.

    ALLAH swt says in Quran

    Holy Quran: 4:110
    “And whoever does evil or wrongs himself but afterwards seeks Allah's forgiveness, he will find Allah Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful”

    So, we are responsible for all the good we do and all the bad we do, nothing more or less than what we have earned will be added to our account and if we ask for forgiveness then we will be forgiven by the grace of ALLAH swt.

    Any way coming to the topic, below are given ahadith that tell us to obey who are either our rulers or our scholars and if they do not go against Quran and sunnah.

    Saheeh Muslim: Book 020, Hadith Number 4524.

    It has been narrated on the authority of Abu Huraira that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: It is obligatory for you to listen to the ruler and obey him in adversity and prosperity, in pleasure and displeasure, and even when another person is given (rather undue) preference over you.

    This hadith says that we have to obey a Muslim ruler in all circumstances even in bad times or even if he gives preference to others over you. This wisdom or logic behind this is that in a state where the public and leaders are not friendly, they become weak and easy prey to the enemy who do not take a min. to destroy such nations.

    Similarly in another place MUHAMMAD s.a.w.w said:
    Sahih Muslim: Book 020, Hadith Number 4525.

    It has been narrated on the authority of Abu Dharr who said: My friend (i.e. the Holy prophet s.a.w.w) advised me to listen (to the man in position of authority) and obey (him) even if he were a slave maimed (and disabled).

    Sahih Muslim: Book 020, Hadith Number 4528.

    It has been narrated on the authority of Yahya b. Husain who learnt the tradition from his grandmother. She said that she heard the Holy prophet (may peace be upon him) delivering his sermon on the occasion of the Last Pilgrimage. He was saying: If a slave is appointed over you and he conducts your affairs according to the Book of Allah, you should listen to him and obey (his orders).

    These two ahadith indicate it clearly, that till the ruler is Muslim and he does not give orders outside Islam he has to be followed to avoid any chaos, because such chaos lead to the weakness of the state.

    Then in another hadith (this hadith is found in sahih Muslim in chapter : Instruction to stick to the main body of the Muslims in the time of trials and warning against those inviting people to disbelief.)

    ), MUHAMMAD s.a.w.w ordered us to stick to the orders of the ruler who is Muslim and does not govern outside Islam by saying that:

    Book 020, Hadith Number 4554.

    It has been narrated through a different chain of transmitters, on the authority of Hudhaifa b. al-Yaman who said: Messenger of Allah, no doubt, we had an evil time (i.e. the days of Jahiliyya or ignorance) and God brought us a good time (i.e. Islamic period) through which we are now living Will there be a bad time after this good time? He (the Holy Prophet) said: Yes. I said: Will there be a good time after this bad time? He said: Yes. I said: Will there be a bad time after good time? He said: Yes. I said: How? Whereupon he said: There will be leaders who will not be led by my guidance and who will not adopt my ways? There will be among them men who will have the hearts of devils in the bodies of human beings. I said: What should I do.

    Messenger of Allah, if I (happen) to live in that time? He replied: You will listen to the Amir and carry out his orders; even if your back is flogged and your wealth is snatched, you should listen and obey.

    Therefore even in the times of difficulty and trouble we should follow our deen and should not fall ourselves in trouble.

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Obey Those who are Authority In Islam

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